V únoru 1986 jsem fotografoval motýlí faunu Malajského poloostrova, západně od vrchoviny Cameron Highlands (asi 600 m n. m.). Pořídil jsem i několik snímků otakárka Lamproptera meges. Tento motýl v letu připomíná spíše vážku nebo šídlo, z čehož plyne jeho výhoda ve smyslu Batesova typu mimikry. Rozpětí má kolem 5 cm, ale zadní křídla vybíhají v 4 cm dlouhé ostruhy (obr. 1). Vnější polovina předních křídel je průsvitná a za letu neviditelná, podobně jako křídla hmyzu, který motýl napodobuje. Obývá lesní porosty v bezprostřední blízkosti tekoucí vody. Pravidelně usedá na vlhké bahno nebo písek a saje vodu obsahující sodné ionty a různé látky nutné pro výživu. and Our unintentional picture shows a Malaysian papilionid periodically every 4–6 seconds expelling water from its anus.
The article first outlines the three major phases of Islamization of Bengal, focusing particulary on the phase of mass Islamization of rural native population, which was characterized by strong tendencies to syncretism with local religious traditions. This syncretistic environment is then described in more detail with special emphasis on the Naths, Vaisnava Sahajiya, and their generally Tantric-yogicbackground. The literature that emerged from this environment is further introduced as a vehicle of mediation between the Perso-Arabic Islamic tradition and Bengalic cultural milieu. As this milieu was conspicuously Tantric in character, the article pays special attention to esoteric Islamic texts, which reveal considerable popularity of various Tantric-yogic notions and bodily techniques among Bengali Muslims., Kristýna Himmerová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In 2018, during a rescue archaeological excavation taking place in one of the gardens of Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště, 23 early medieval graves containing skeletal remains of 26 individuals were detected. The site is situated on the northern border of the well-known Great Moravian burial ground ‘Na Valách’. In a large number of the newly excavated graves, greater or lesser deviations from the usual funeral rite were recorded. While the established burial rite in Great Moravian society means the deceased lies on their back in the supine position with extended extremities and head towards the west, here we found skeletons in very different orientations, lying in a prone or crouched position, or, at least, with unusual positions of their upper or lower limbs. Additionally, some of the graves contained incomplete or no skeletons. There is also one double burial and a triple burial, and several graves in superpositions. In nine graves, objects of material culture were found, the most important of them come from the rider’s grave 20/2018. The presented study aims to interpret the burial contexts using the bioarchaeological approach, which is, however, affected by the quality of the preserved finds, especially skeletal remains.
Although it has been generally reported that carnivorous plants of the genus Nepenthes are not very selective about their prey, the new studies have shown that the genus is under a strong selective pressure to specialize in certain prey. Moreover, novel nutrient sequestration strategies have recently been described, including leaf litter and faeces utilization. Thus the genus Nepenthes is a new and illustrative example of adaptive radiation with regard to nitrogen sequestration strategy. and Andrej Pavlovič.
Schopnost rychlého klonálního šíření suchopýru úzkolistého (Eriophorum angustifolium) na odtěženém rašeliništi Soumarský most již od začátku ovlivňuje nastartovaný průběh sukcese. V odumírající středové části porostu se hromadí stařina a příznivější mikroklimatické i živinové poměry tu umožňují uchycování dalších druhů rostlin, pro které je čerstvě obnažená půda příliš extrémním prostředím. and The capacity for the rapid clonal spreading of Eriophorum angustifolium in the extracted peat bog of Soumarský most influences the development of succession from the very outset. In the dying central part of the peat bog the old plant remains accumulate and favourable microclimatic and nutrient conditions facilitate occupation by other plant species for which freshly bare land represents too extreme a locality.
Okruh zvonku okrouhlolistého (Campanula rotundifolia) zahrnuje několik blízce příbuzných a fenotypově podobných taxonů, které často mají omezenou oblast výskytu. Jeden z opomíjených taxonů české flóry je subendemit zvonek jemný (C. gentilis). Znakem, který jej morfologicky odlišuje od ostatních taxonů, je přítomnost drobných papil na semeníku. Druh je karyologicky variabilní a zahrnuje dva cytotypy (diploidní a tetraploidní). Tento vzácný zvonek se v současnosti vyskytuje na 35 lokalitách ve středních, severních a severozápadních Čechách a na třech místech v Bavorsku. Bohužel počet jeho lokalit stejně jako počet jedinců klesá v důsledku změn ve vegetaci. and The aggregate species Campanula rotundifolia (Harebell) includes several closely related and phenotypically similar taxa which often show a restricted range of distribution. One of the largely neglected taxa of Czech flora is the subendemic species C. gentilis. Its distinct morphological feature is the presence of short papillae on the calyx tube. The species is karyologically polymorphic and encompasses both diploid and tetraploid cytotypes. This rare bluebell has recently been recorded in 35 localities in Central, North and North-West Bohemia and in three localities in Bavaria. However, the number of localities as well as the total number of individual plants have been declining due to changes in vegetation cover.