Two geodynamic test transects across the Polish segment of the Western Carpathians, crossing the Orava Basin in the west (KO) and the Pieniny Klippen Belt and Magura Nappe along the Dunajec River valley in the east (DD), are presented. Multidisciplinary studies conducted along these transects incl uded gravimetric, geodetic, geologic and morphostructural investigations. Gravimetric and geodetic results appear to suggest recent subsidence of the Orava Basin, particularly intensive in the Wróblówka Graben, confirming conclusions derived from geomorphic analyses. Data ob tained for the Dunajec River transect do not show any particular differentiation among individual benchmarks, what can point to either minor uplift of the entire area (already suggested by the results of geomorphic and morphotectonic studies), minimal differences between successive slices of the Magura Nappe and the Pieniny Klippe n Belt, or both. Horizontal displacements of benchmarks, different for the KO and DD transects, towa rds the west and SW as well east and SE, respectively, can result from general uplift of the area comprised between these transects, i.e. the Gorce Mts., Monika Łój, Janusz Madej, Sławomir Porzucek and Witold Zuchiewicz., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy