Let \Omega \subset {{\Bbb C}^n} be a bounded, simply connected \mathbb{C} -convex domain. Let \alpha \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n} and let f be a function on Ω which is separately {C^{2{\alpha _j} - 1}} -smooth with respect to zj (by which we mean jointly {C^{2{\alpha _j} - 1}} -smooth with respect to Rezj, Imzj). If f is α-analytic on Ω\f−1(0), then f is α-analytic on Ω. The result is well-known for the case a_{i}=1, 1\leqslant i\leqslant n even when f a priori is only known to be continuous., Abtin Daghighi, Frank Wikström., and Obsahuje seznam literatury