The present article follows upon the work of Jan Miroslav Kvût and Jifií Musil concerning ancestors of the Czech composer Antonín Dvofiák and corrects some mistaken conclusions they reached. Attention is devoted primarily to ancestors of Dvofiák’s grandfather on his mother’s side, Josef Zdenûk, whose parents – and therefore other ancestors as well – were wrongly identified by the above-mentioned researchers. It turns out that some of Dvofiák’s ancestors came from Bystfiice (Wistritz), a village in Northern Bohemia near Teplice which at that time had mainly a German population. This is where the earliest determined ancestors of Antonín Dvofiák lived, in the 17th century. Appended to the article is a list of all known ancestors of Dvofiák’s grandfather Josef Zdenûk giving dates of births, deaths, and marriages.