Cíl studie: Prozkoumat vztahy zavedených a zvažovaných prediktorů přežití u hemodialyzovaných pacientů a zjistit jejich spojitost s přítomností metabolického syndromu (MS). Typ studie: Observační průřezová studie. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Ústav klinické biochemie a hematologie, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni a Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň. Materiál a metoda: 80 hemodialyzovaných pacientů (věk 67,0 [61,0–73,5] let, BMI 27,5 [22,7–33,0] kg/m2; medián [mezikvartilové rozpětí], 37 žen) bylo rozděleno do 2 skupin podle defi nice MS (NCEP ATP III) (39 pacientů s MS). Vylučovací kritérium: CRP > 30 mg/l. Vzorky séra a plazmy byly odebírány těsně před zahájením hemodialýzy. Sledovány byly následující parametry: adiponektin (včetně vysokomolekulární formy), leptin, TNF-alfa, PAI-1, ADMA, inzulin, CRP, albumin. K hodnocení rozdílů mezi skupinami byl použit Wilcoxonův dvouvýběrový test. Výsledky: U adiponektinu a leptinu byly nalezeny rozdíly mezi pohlavími v rámci skupin. Koncentrace adiponektinu a podíl jeho vysokomolekulární (HMW) formy byly vyšší u žen ve skupině bez MS (95% CI pro rozdíl mediánů 0,45–10,33 mg/l, respektive 0,006–0,10, p < 0,05), ale mezi pohlavími u pacientů s MS se významně nelišily. Na druhou stranu, hladiny leptinu byly vyšší u žen pouze ve skupině s MS (CI 7,30–52,80 μg/l, p < 0,05). U pacientů s MS byly u obou pohlaví pozorovány nižší hladiny adiponektinu (CI 2,57–8,78 mg/l pro muže a 5,90–14,94 mg/l pro ženy, p < 0,001), nižší podíl HMW formy (CI 0,02–0,13 pro muže a 0,10–0,21 pro ženy, p < 0,001), vyšší hladiny leptinu (CI 11,50–48,10 μg/l pro muže a 31,60–78,40 μg/l pro ženy, p < 0,001) a vyšší hladiny inzulinu (CI 5,4–14,5 mIU/l, p < 0,001). U následujících parametrů nebyly zjištěny statisticky významné rozdíly mezi skupinami: ADMA (CI -0,32–0,13 μmol/l, p = 0,45), CRP (CI -1,55–3,05 mg/l, p = 0,59), PAI-1 (CI -0,7–6,3 μg/l, p = 0,16), TNF-alfa (CI -0,46–0,12 ng/l, p = 0,28) a albumin (CI -2,1–0,8 g/l, p = 0,41). Závěr: Koncentrace adiponektinu a leptinu odrážely přítomnost MS, hladiny zavedených prediktorů přežití, CRP a albuminu, se ale překvapivě mezi skupinami nelišily. Tyto výsledky by nasvědčovaly omezenému významu MS v prognóze hemodialyzovaných pacientů., Objective: To explore the relationships of established or putative survival predictors in hemodialysis patients and their connection with the presence of the metabolic syndrome (MS). Design: Observational, cross-sectional. Settings: Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology, Faculty Hospital and Charles University – Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Material and methods: 80 hemodialyzed patients (median [IQR] of age = 67.0 [61.0–73.5] years, BMI = 27.5 [22.7–33.0] kg/m2, 37 females) were divided into 2 groups according to NCEP ATP III defi nition of the MS (39 patients with MS). Exclusion criterion: CRP level > 30 mg/l. Serum and plasma samples were taken prior to hemodialysis initiation. Following parameters were examined: adiponectin (including high-molecular weight form), leptin, TNF-alpha, PAI-1, ADMA, insulin, CRP, albumin. Comparison between groups was done using Wilcoxon rank-sum test for independent samples. Results: Gender differences have been found in adiponectin and leptin levels within the groups. Adiponectin levels and the portion of its high-molecular weight (HMW) form were higher in females in the group without MS (95% CI for the difference of medians 0.45–10.33 mg/l and 0.006-0.10, p < 0.05), respectively, but were not different between sexes in the patients with MS. On the other hand, leptin levels were different (higher in females) only in the group with MS (CI 7.30–52.80 μg/l, p < 0.05). Both for males (M) and females (F), the group with MS showed lower adiponectin levels (CI 2.57–8.78 mg/l for M and 5.90–14.94 mg/l for F, p < 0.001), lower portion of HMW-adiponectin (CI 0.02–0.13 for M and 0.10–0.21 for F, p < 0.001), higher levels of leptin (CI 11.50–48.10 μg/l for M and 31.60–78.40 μg/l for F, p < 0.001) and higher levels of insulin (CI 5.4–14.5 mIU/l, p < 0,001). No statistically signifi cant differences were found in ADMA (CI 0.32–0.13 μmol/l, p = 0.45), CRP (CI 1.55–3.05 mg/l, p = 0.59), PAI-1 (CI 0.7–6.3 μg/l, p = 0.16), TNF-alpha (CI 0.46–0.12 ng/l, p = 0.28) and albumin levels (CI 2.1–0.8, p = 0.41). Conclusion: The concentration of adiponectin and leptin well refl ected the presence of the metabolic syndrome. Surprisingly, levels of conventional survival predictors (CRP, albumin) did not vary between the groups. These fi ndings may suggest a limited relevance of the MS concept in the prognosis of HD patients., Vostrý Michal, Rajdl D., Eiselt J., Malánová L., Pikner R., Trefil L., Racek J., and Lit.: 18
There are concerns about altered vascular functions that could play an important role in the pathogenesis and influence the severity of chronic disease, however, increased cardiovascular risk in paediatric cystic fibrosis (CF) has not been yet fully understood. Aim was to analyze vascular disease risk and investigate changes over times in CF and controls. We prospectively enrolled 22 CF subjects (a median age of 16.07 years), and 22 healthy demographically matched controls (a median age of 17.28 years) and determined endothelial function. We utilized a combined diagnostic approach by measuring the plethysmographic Reactive Hyperemia Index (RHI) as the post-to preocclusive endothelium-dependent changes of vascular tone, and biomarkers that are known to be related to endothelial dysfunction (ED): asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA), high-sensitive CRP (hsCRP), VCAM-1 and E-selectin. RHI values were significantly lower in CF young adults (p<0.005). HsCRP (p<0.005), E-selectin (p<0.001) and VCAM-1 (p<0.001) were significantly increased in CF patients since childhood. The findings have provided a detailed account of the ongoing process of microvascular dysfunction with gradual progression with the age of CF patients, making them further at risk of advanced vascular disease. Elevations of biomarkers in CF children with not yet demonstrated RHI changes but with significantly reduced RHI in adulthood and lipid profile changes indicate the possible occurrence of ED with CF-related specific risk factors over time and will enable us to provide the best possible support.
To investigate the influence of beer consumption on levels of homocysteine (HCY), vitamin B6, B12, folic acid (FA), dimethylglycine (DMG), betaine (BET) and other selected markers. One hundred and sixteen male volunteers were enrolled in the study. A one-month period of alcohol abstinence was followed by a one month when participants drank 830 ml of alcoholic beer every day. After that phase, one month of alcohol abstinence followed. At the beginning and after every phase, blood samples were taken and analysed. Ninety-three participants completed the study. After the phase of alcohol consumption, uric acid (UA) (p<0.0001), antioxidative capacity (AOC) (p=0.02), superoxide dismutase (SOD) (0.025), glutathione reductase (GRH) (0.0001), total cholesterol (p<0.0001), HDL-cholesterol (p<0.0001), Apolipoprotein-AI (ApoAI) (p<0.0001), LDL-cholesterol (p<0.039) and Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) (p<0.009) increased, while vitamin B12 (p=0.0001) and fibrinogen (p<0.0001) decreased. Other tested parameters (DMG, BET, vitamin B6 and FA) did not show any significant changes. UA changes and changes in AOC were statistically significantly correlated (r=0.52, p<0.0001). HCY, DMG and BET levels did not show any statistically significant changes after beer consumption, whereas some markers of redox metabolism increased (UA, AOC, SOD and GRH). A statistically significant correlation denotes the dependence of UA and AOC changes in connection with beer consumption.
Cíl studie: Zjistit prognostický význam metabolického syndromu (MS) v populaci hemodialyzovaných pacientů ve smyslu celkové úmrtnosti. Typ studie: Observační, prospektivní kohortová. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Ústav klinické biochemie a hematologie, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni a Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň. Materiál a metoda: 102 HD pacientů bylo rozděleno do 2 skupin podle výskytu MS. Metodami analýzy přežití byla zkoumána celková úmrtnost a vztah známých či potenciálních rizikových faktorů k MS a prognóze pacientů. Výsledky: Během doby sledování (medián 26 měsíců) zemřelo 34 pacientů (33 %). Zemřelí pacienti měli mírně nižší hladiny albuminu (p < 0,05), v žádném z ostatních laboratorních parametrů se nelišili. Podle Kaplan-Meierovy metody se celková úmrtnost pacientů s MS nelišila od pacientů bez MS. V Coxově jednoproměnném modelu jsou významnými prognostickými faktory (p < 0,05) pouze věk (HR 1,09) a albumin (HR 0,9). V adjustovaném modelu se význam albuminu ztrácí a věk zůstává jako jediný významným ukazatelem přežití. Závěr: Naše výsledky ukazují, že význam MS jakožto možného prognostického faktoru je ve studované populaci pochybný., Objective: To investigate the prognostic impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on the overall mortality of hemodialyzed (HD) patients. Design: Observational, prospective cohort. Settings: Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Hematology, Faculty Hospital and Charles University – Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Material and Methods: 102 HD patients were divided into two groups according to presence of MS. Using the methods of survival analysis, we explored the relationship between MS, several established or potential laboratory risk factors and the patients’ prognosis. Results: During the follow-up period (median 26 months) 34 patients died (33%). Non-survivors had slightly lower albumin levels than patients who survived (p < 0.05), but did not differ significantly in any other laboratory parameters examined. According to the Kaplan-Meier plot, the overall mortality rate was not different between patients with MS and those devoid of MS. Only age (HR 1.09) and albumin (HR 0.9) proved their prognostic value (p < 0.05) in a univariate Cox regression model. In an adjusted model, albumin loses its significance and only age remains a significant mortality predictor. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the impact of MS on HD patients’ mortality is questionable., Vostrý M., Rajdl D., Eiselt J., Malánová L., Pikner R., Trefil L., Racek J., and Lit.: 5