Potential daily biomass production of jutě was calculated from the conversion of measured incident photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) during the jutě growing season (Apríl - August) of Indo-Bangladesh sub-continent and evaluating the average respirátory loss over the same period. Taking an average incident PPF of 39.87 mol(photon) m-2 d’*, the potential daily rate of dry matter production of 49.77 g m'2 was estimated with a photosynthetic efficiency of 1.25 g mol'^ Considering the daily production rate as proportional to the amount of radiant energy interception by the crop at different stages of growth, a maximum jutě biomass production capacity of 4.081 kg m'2 (40.81 t ha'*) was estimated. This value was little more than two times the average production obtained from the field experiment under similar conditions. Radiation use efficiency of a dosed jutě canopy (3.5 g MJ**), however, appears to háve reached that for any field crop.