Linear Band Pottery (LBK), Stroked Pottery (SPC), Moravian Painted Ware (MPWC) cultures developed in Moravia during the Neolithic period. Based on the currently available radiocarbon dates, this period lasted for 1800 years. The LBK lasted for 550 years and the MPWC for 1150 years. There is a 100 year hiatus between these cultures, when Moravia was inhabited by people practicing the SPC. With increasing knowledge and more radiocarbon dates, it has become apparent that the current ideas about the development of the Neolithic need revision due to discrepancies between the traditional scheme and new empirical data. Chronology building on the basis of the 14C method is currently the most accurate dating technique for this period., Martin Kuča, Josef Jan Kovář, Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Petr Škrdla, Lubomír Prokeš, Miroslav Vaškových, Zdeněk Schenk., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Pavel Malík, Karel Faltýnek, Pavel Šlézar, Lucie Černá, Petr Holub, Václav Kolařík, David Merta, Marek Peška, Lenka Sedláčková, Hynek Zbranek, Antonín Zůbek, Ivan Čižmář, Petr Kos, Marek Lečbych, Pavel Fojtík, Martina Kršková, Sandra Sázelová, Marie Prachařová, Michaela Kovaříková, Martin Novák, Josef Jan Kovář, David Parma, Lukáš Hlubek, Lenka Kovářová, Miroslav Daňhel, Miroslav Popelka, Táňa Adámková, Monika Martinisková, Jakub Halama, František Kolář, Jana Brhelová, Tomáš Zlámal, Marek Kalábek, Klára Rybářová, Pavel Malík, Jiří Kala, Michal Přichystal, Marek Hladík, Libor Klačík, Marian Mazuch, Lumír Poláček, Jaroslav Škojec, Tomáš Zeman, Piotr Werens, Peter Kováčik, Vít Hadrava, Richard Zatloukal, Jindřich Hlas, Martin Kuča, Jakub Vrána, Hana Kartousová, Josef Večeřa, Michal Zezula, Zdeněk Hájek, Hana Koubková, Dana Menoušková, Hana Lafková, Jaroslav Dytrych, Adéla Balcárková, Svatopluk Bříza, Rudolf Feilhauer, David Rožnovský. and Obsahuje seznam literatury