Sledování expozice látkám, široce užívaným v průmyslu, a vyhodnocení jejich koncentrací v těle člověka, je jedním z hlavních cílů biologického monitorování obyvatel. V pilotní studii byla sledována hladina metabolitů ftalátu dietylhexylftalátu (DEHP), vybraných metabolitů polyaromatických uhlovodíků a bisfenolu A v moči ve vztahu k možným expozičním zdrojům sledovaných dotazníkovým šetřením. Do studie bylo zařazeno 95 studentů nekuřáků ve věkovém rozmezí 20 až 29 let (44 mužů a 51 žen) z Prahy a Ostravy. Analyty byly stanovovány v moči pomocí metody kapalinové chromatografie s tandemovou hmotnostně-spektrometrickou detekcí typu trojitý kvadrupól (LC-MS/MS). Hodnoty metabolitů DEHP u žádného jedince nepřekročily zdravotně významné limitní hodnoty. Za pomoci dotazníku, který byl součástí studie, nebyly zjištěny žádné skutečnosti, které by významně ovlivňovaly hladiny vybraných látek v moči. Byl zjištěn pouze signifikantní vliv pohlaví u 5-OH-MEHP a sumy 5-OH-MEHP a 5-oxo-MEHP, kdy ostravské ženy mají významně vyšší hladiny metabolitů než muži., The main target of human biomonitoring is monitoring of exposure and effects of substances used in industry and determination of their concentrations in the human body. In this pilot study the metabolite levels of phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and bisphenol A were determined in urine. Their association with possible exposure sources was analyzed. The study comprised 95 adults (44 males and 51 females) aged 20 and 29 years from Prague and Ostrava. The analytes in urine samples were determined by liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry detection (LC-MS/MS). Metabolite levels did not exceed limit values for these biomarkers for any participant. The questionnaire survey, as part of the study, revealed no factors that might affect levels of the selected substances in urine. However, a significant gender-related difference was detected for the level of 5-OH-MEHP and sums of 5-OH-MEHP and 5-oxo-MEHP, where women from Ostrava had significantly higher metabolite values than men., Anna Pinkr Grafnetterová, Karel Vrbík, Marek Malý, Jana Pavloušková, Andrea Krsková, Anna Drgáčová, Vítězslav Jiřík, Sylva Rödlová, Milena Černá, and Literatura
The Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity (FET) Test was adopted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development as OECD TG 236 in 2013. The test has been designed to determine acute toxicity of chemicals on embryonic stages of fish and proposed as an alternative method to the Fish Acute Toxicity Test performed according to OECD TG 203. In recent years fish embryos were used not only in the assessment of toxicity of chemicals but also for environmental and wastewater samples. In our study we investigated the acute toxicity of treated wastewater from seven hospitals in the Czech Republic. Our main purpose was to compare the suitability and sensitivity of zebrafish embryos with the sensitivity of two other aquatic organisms commonly used for wastewater testing – Daphnia magna and Aliivibrio fischeri. For the aim of this study, in addition to the lethal endpoints of the FET test, sublethal effects such as delayed heartbeat, lack of blood circulation, pericardial and yolk sac edema, spinal curvature and pigmentation failures were evaluated. The comparison of three species demonstrated that the sensitivity of zebrafish embryos is comparable or in some cases higher than the sensitivity of D. magna and A. fischeri. The inclusion of sublethal endpoints caused statistically significant increase of the FET test efficiency in the range of 1-12 %. Based on our results, the FET test, especially with the addition of sublethal effects evaluation, can be considered as a sufficiently sensitive and useful additional tool for ecotoxicity testing of the acute toxicity potential of hospital effluents.