Adult rats born in hypoxia but raised in air are more reactive to acute hypoxic challenges. The relation between perfusion pressure and perfusion flow (P/Q plot) was analyzed in the preparation of ventilated perfused lungs isolated from 3 groups of adult rats. Control animals of the first group were born and lived in air, the second group was born in hypoxic chamber and then the rats were raised in air. Rats of the third group were bom in air and exposed to hypoxia in adulthood. The P/Q plot in rats born in hypoxia had lower slope than that in controls. Acute hypoxia in control group resulted in parallel shift of P/Q line to higher pressures. In rats born in hypoxia, however, both intercept with pressure axis and slope were increased. This may be explained by the participation of both collapsible and non-collapsible parts of pulmonary vascular bed in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Analysis of distribution of pulmonary vascular resistances by the double occlusion technique confirmed this possibility. In rats born in hypoxia both arterial and middle vascular segment resistances increased during acute hypoxic challenge. In control rats, however, the increase in resistance was restricted to the middle segment only.