The type-material of Psilostomum lineatum Linton, 1928 was re-examined and identified as Podocotyle reflexa (Creplin, 1825). This re-allocation of the type and only species invalidates the genus Psilolintonum that is now considered a synonym of Podocotyle.
Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 are described from marine teleosts: M. skrjabini (Vlasenko, 1931), the type species of the genus, from the gobiid Zosterisessor ophiocephalus on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast; M. bartolii sp. n. from the sparid Boops boops off the Atlantic coast of Spain; and M. minutus sp. n. from the gobiid Neogobius eurycephalus on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. M. bartolii differs from all other Magnibursatus species in its larger sinus-sac (length >250 µm, width >150 µm) and the more posterior location of testes. This species is also unusual in that it occurs in the branchial chamber and on the gills of its host. M. minutus is distinguished by the distinctly smaller dimensions of the body (length <1000 µm, width <200 µm), organs and eggs. These species are also distinguished from both M. caudofilamentosa (Reimer, 1971) and Tyrrhenia blennii Paggi et Orecchia, 1975. A key to the species of Magnibursatus is presented.