Lokality nad horní hranicí lesa představují z hlediska diverzity vegetace jedno z nejzajímavějších prostředí v Evropě. S různou intenzitou se kombinuje zpravidla několik faktorů prostředí, takže na poměrně malých plochách můžeme sledovat velkou pestrost vegetačních typů. To platí především pro kary, ledovcem modelovaná údolí, kde existují příkré gradienty klimatických a substrátových podmínek. Článek přibližuje metody a výsledky studia těchto jevů na hoře Pop Ivan v Ukrajinských Karpatech. and Localities above the timberline are some of the most interesting environments in Europe in terms of vegetation diversity. Several environmental factors combine here to different degrees of intensity, which results in a great diversity of vegetation types on a relatively small area. This phenomenon is typical mainly for glacial cirques – valleys shaped by glaciers – where sharp gradients of climatic and substrate conditions exist. The article deals with the methods and results of the study of such phenomena in the Ukrainian Carpathians.
A syntaxonomical synthesis of calcicolous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica (Cephalanthero-Fagenion suballiance) in the Czech Republic was carried out using the Braun-Blanquet approach. Relevés included in the analyses were selected following formalized approach by using an expert-delimited group of 38 calcicolous and/or xerothermophilous species. Only one association Cephalanthero-Fagetum was distinguished, which usually occurs on limestone, calcareous sandstone and calcareous sandy marlite; however, can be found also on base-rich siliceous bedrock (e.g. basalt, phonolite). Based on TWINSPAN analysis, three subassociations were recognized within the Cephalanthero-Fagetum: (i) Cephalanthero-Fagetum seslerietosum caeruleae on shallow rocky soils with frequent dominance of Sesleria caerulea and presence of petrophytes, (ii) Cephalanthero-Fagetum typicum on dry, shallow soils with a significant presence of light-demanding, thermophilous, and calcicolous species, and (iii) Cephalanthero-Fagetum actaeetosum spicatae on deeper, sufficiently moist soils with an abundance of mesophilous, nitrophilous and acidophilous species. The name Cephalanthero-Fagetum actaeetosum spicatae is a new nomenclatural combination. The relationships between Cephalanthero-Fagetum and similar forest vegetation types containing xerothermophilous and/or calcicolous species in the Czech Republic are discussed. The main gradients in species composition of Cephalanthero-Fagetum subassociations were revealed by gradient analysis. The Ellenberg indicator values, altitude, slope, and ‘southness’ were used to interpret these gradients. Using unconstrained ordination analysis (DCA) the syntaxonomical interpretation indicated three relatively distinct groups. Moreover, further DCA analysis revealed the well-defined position of Cephalanthero-Fagetum within Czech beech forests. The results of the above delimitation of Cephalanthero-Fagetum were compared with the results based on Cocktail-defined species groups improved by similarity-based assignment of relevés (using frequency-positive fidelity index). When the Cocktail-based formulas for beech forests were applied to the relevés selected by our 38-species diagnostic group, the correspondence between these two approaches was only 36%. However, at the lower subassociation level, the highest correspondence occurred for Cephalanthero-Fagetum seslerietosum (84%). The reason for this high correspondence is that the species composition includes many specialists (i.e. good diagnostic species) and it occurs at the end of an ecological gradient. To sum up, it is possible to define vegetation units accurately using strict formulas, as opposed to the less rigorous ‘soft’ traditional approach. However, both approaches fail when defining central units.
Vrch Děvín na Pálavě je zajímavý proto, že na malé ploše koncentruje různorodost přírody se zajímavou historií. Kontrastní geomorfologie podmiňuje širokou škálu vegetačních typů s mimořádným bohatstvím druhů flóry a fauny. Článek se zabývá především lesní vegetací a její historií od středověku do současnosti. and Děvín hill in the Pálava region combines within its territory a relatively great natural diversity and an interesting history. Its contrasting geomorphology allows for the existence of a wide range of vegetation types characterized by the extraordinary richness of its flora and fauna. The article focuses on forest vegetation and its history from the Middle Ages up to the present.
Thick forests or crooked shrubs? An outline of the history of lowland forests. Most European lowlands have been densely settled since the Neolithic. Forest management in these environments has been continuous for thousands of years, therefore its influence is an integral part of the ecology of lowland forest. The article describes the main form of traditional management (coppicing); its history and biological role, and argues that it should be part of nature conservation in order to maintain biodiversity.
Nakládání s lesy se v minulosti řídilo skoro výhradně ekonomickými a sociálními potřebami a poměry. Ty se často dosti měnily jak v průběhu času, tak regionálně. Leccos však fungovalo shodně napříč Evropou. Ve střední Evropě, která zahrnuje prostor od Rýna po východní Karpaty a kontinent severně od Alp, byly způsoby využívání lesa v zásadě všude shodné. Tento článek si klade za cíl stručně přiblížit základní tradiční formy lesního hospodaření ve středoevropském regionu. Představíme důsledky tohoto hospodaření pro les jako ekosystém a prostředí pro život organismů. and In Central Europe, forests were managed using traditional methods until the arrival of modern forestry and later near-natural forestry. Detailed information on forest management is available from the Middle Ages onwards. The two main types of traditional forestry management were coppicing and wood-pasture. They were well-established systems with constant yields of wood and other uses.
Tradiční formy lesního hospodaření měly jiný ekologický dopad než současné metody. Nížinné lesy byly celkově světlejší a živinami chudší, odlišné bylo rozložení světelných fází a hlavních živin v půdě. Původ světlých středoevropských lesů zůstává zatím nedořešenou otázkou, existují aspoň čtyři možná vysvětlení. O to zřetelněji se však jeví potřeba obnovy tradičních forem managementu kvůli ochraně biodiverzity. and Traditional forms of forest management had different ecological impacts than current methods. Lowland woodlands were generally lighter and nutrient poorer, the distribution of light phases and the allocation of major soil nutrients were different. The origins of open forests in Central Europe remain an open question as to which of the at least four explanations apply. The need for the restoration of traditional management forms to conserve biodiversity is all the more evident these days.