The WEST SUDETEN geodynamic network consists of 11 sites on that five annual GPS epoch measurements in period of 2001-2005 were carried out. The 48-hour epoch data linked to 4 permanent EPN station observations created reasonable GPS data base for a preliminary evaluation of site movement velocities. General movement pattern over the network has been obtained and some regional and local movement relations among network sites were observed and discussed. The whole region under study displays three areas with relatively different movement trends. The northern area, i.e. the Krkonoše Mts. structural block, displays pronounce motion to the NW with respect to the central area that involves the Permian piedmont of the Krkonoše Mts. covered in its southern part by the Cretaceous sediments. Besides, conspicuous dextral movement along the Železné hory Mts. fault zone was detected too., Vladimír Schenk, Zdeňka Schenková, Milada Grácová and Pavel Kottnauer., and Obsahuje bibliografii
To investigate recent crustal movements between northern and southern parts of Moravo-Silesian region of the Bohemian Massif and to find their relation to movements of structure blocks of Moldanubicum, it was decided to establish a regional geodynamic network HIGHLANDS. Seven sites for monitoring GPS signals were built with respect of geological and geophysical materials in the southern area of the Českomoravská vysočina Highlands. So far two epoch 48-hours GPS measurements have been performed in 2005 and 2006 with Ashtech receivers and antennas. GPS monitored data were processed by the Bernese software v. 5.0. The rather preliminary site movements were assessed and discussed from the viewpoint of recent geodynamic motions., Zdeňka Schenková, Vladimír Schenk, František Mantlík and Milada Grácová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy