We investigated the structure of magnetic field and vertical electric currents in two active regions. Electric currents were calculated from the observations of transverse magnetic field. There exist two systems of vertical electric currents in an active region; a system of local currents and global one. The globál current is about 2.10^^ A. In the leading part of the active region it is directed upward, and in the tail - downward and is plausibly determined by the global rotation of plasma. The flare activity is dosely connected with the value and direction of both local and globál currents: the flares tend to appear in places with upward currents. The sensitivity of Hα„ emission to the sign of current implies that the charged particles accelerated in the upper parts of magnetic loops are responsible for these formations.
Some general characteristics of the observed plasma motions in the actlve region are described. The data concerning the birth and evolution of sunspots, intrinaic internal motiona, the balance of plasma fluxes in individual sunspots and in the active region as a whole are presented. Special attention is paid to rotational plasma motion in sunspots and torsional oscillations of the spots. The.
importance of data on torsional oscillations of aunspots has been established for the study of the magnetic field structure and plasma convection in subphotospheric layers of the Sun.