We studied hsBAFF activity in in vitro mouse splenic B cells. hsBAFF effects on intracellular free Ca 2+ concentration ([Ca 2+ ] i ) were assayed, using a laser scanning confocal microscope with fluorescent probe, Fluo-3/AM. We showed that treatment of B cells with 0.5-5 μ g/ml hsBAFF resulted in significantly higher [Ca 2+ ] i levels in a dose-dependent fashion at 12 and 24 h, respectively (p<0.05 or p<0.01 vs. control). Furthermore, we noticed that 2.5 μ g/ml hsBAFF-treated cells were significantly resistant to decrease of cellular viability induced by thapsigargin (Tg), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca 2+ -ATPase inhibitor (p<0.05 hsBAFF plus Tg group vs. Tg group). Thus hsBAFF may promote B cell survival by direct upregulation of [Ca 2+ ] i physiological homeostasis contri buting to prevention of [Ca 2+ ] i dysfunction. Using immunocytochemistry and Western blot analysis, we found that the activation of ERK1/2 due to hsBAFF was triggered by a [Ca 2+ ] i -dependent pathway, leading to elevation of B cell proliferation. This is supported by the findings that intracellular Ca 2+ chelator BAPTA/AM attenuated phosphorylated ERK1/2 expression and cell proliferation in hsBAFF-stimulated B cells. hsBAFF-stimulated B cell proliferation was obviously reduced by mitogen extracellular kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2, upstream of ERK1/2) inhibitor U0126. Taken together, the main finding of this study is that hsBAFF elicits higher but homeostatic [Ca 2+ ] i levels, which regulates ERK1/2 activity and cell proliferation in in vitro B cells., J. Q. Liang, W. Zhang, L. Wen, W. Gao, S. Q. Zhang, L. Chen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Plant response to the combination of two or more abiotic stresses is different than its response to the same stresses singly. The response of maize (Zea mays L.) photosynthesis, growth, and development processes were examined under sunlit plant growth chambers at three levels of each day/night temperatures (24/16°C, 30/22°C, and 36/28°C) and UV-B radiation levels (0, 5, and 10 kJ m-2 d-1) and their interaction from 4 d after emergence to 43 d. An increase in plant height, leaf area, node number, and dry mass was observed as temperature increased. However, UV-B radiation negatively affected these processes by reducing the rates of stem elongation, leaf area expansion, and biomass accumulation. UV-B radiation affected leaf photosynthesis mostly at early stage of growth and tended to be temperature-dependent. For instance, UV-B radiation caused 3-15% decrease of photosynthetic rate (PN) on the uppermost, fully expanded leaves at 24/16°C and 36/28°C, but stimulated P N about 5-18% at 30/22°C temperature. Moreover, the observed UV-B protection mechanisms, such as accumulation of phenolics and waxes, exhibited a significant interaction among the treatments where these compounds were relatively less responsive (phenolics) or more responsive (waxes) to UV-B radiation at higher temperature treatments or vice versa. Plants exposed to UV-B radiation produced more leaf waxes except at 24/16°C treatment. The detrimental effect of UV-B radiation was greater on plant growth compared to the photosynthetic processes. Results suggest that maize growth and development, especially stem elongation, is highly sensitive to current and projected UV-B radiation levels, and temperature plays an important role in the magnitude and direction of the UV-B mediated responses., S. K. Singh, K. R. Reddy, V. R. Reddy, W. Gao., and Obsahuje bibliografii