A natural population of Psorophora ferox (Humbold, 1820) infected with the microsporidium Amblyospora ferocis García et Becnel, 1994 was sampled weekly during a seven-month survey in Punta Lara, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The sequence of development of A. ferocis in larvae of P. ferox leading to the formation of meiospores followed the developmental pathway previously reported for various species of Amblyospora. The natural prevalence of A. ferocis in the larval population of P. ferox ranged from 0.4% to 13.8%. Spores were detected in the ovaries of field-collected females of P. ferox and were shown to be responsible for transovarial transmission of A. ferocis to the next generation of mosquito larvae in laboratory tests. These spores were binucleate and slightly pyriform in shape. The prevalence of A. ferocis in the adult population ranged from 2.7% to 13.9%. Data on effects of the infection on female fecundity showed that infected field-collected adults of P. ferox laid an average of 47.6 ± 6.5 eggs of which 35.8% ± 4.1% hatched. Uninfected field-collected adults of P. ferox laid 82.8 ± 6.8 eggs of which 64.1% ± 5.5% hatched. Six species of copepods living together with P. ferox were fed meiospores from field-infected larvae but none became infected. Horizontal transmission of A. ferocis to P. ferox larvae remains unknown.
Microsporidia in mosquitoes can be divided into two categories based on their life cycles and host-parasite relationships. Some species of microsporidia exhibit simple life cycles with one spore type responsible for oral (horizontal) transmission. They affect only one generation of the mosquito and are not usually host or tissue specific. Brachiola algerae (Vavra et Undeen, 1970) and Vavraia culicis (Weiser, 1947) are examples of species isolated from mosquitoes with relatively straightforward life cycles (one spore type) and simple host-parasite relationships. B. algerae and a close relative of V. culicis have also been isolated from a vertebrate (human) host but sources for these infections are unknown. In contrast to B. algerae and V. culicis, polymorphic (heterosporous) microsporidia in mosquitoes are characterized by complex life cycles involving multiple spore types responsible for horizontal and vertical transmission. They affect two generations of the mosquito and some involve an obligate intermediate host. These microsporidia are generally very host and tissue specific with complex developmental sequences comprised of unique stages and events. The microsporidium Edhazardia aedis (Kudo, 1930) is a pathogen of Aedes aegypti and does not require an intermediate host. The developmental cycle of E. aedis is characterized by four sporulation sequences, two in the parental host and two in the filial generation. Recent speculation relative to the source of B. algerae human infection have implicated infected mosquitoes and raised concerns about the safety of mosquito microsporidia in general. The subject of this review is to compare and contrast three species of microsporidia from mosquitoes, two with broad host ranges (B. algerae and V. culicis) and one specific to mosquitoes (E. aedis). This review describes features that distinguish mosquito-parasitic microsporidia with simple life cycles and broad host ranges from truly mosquito-specific microsporidian parasites with complex life cycles.
A brief nomenclatural history of Vavraia culicis (Weiser, 1947), the type species for the genus Vavraia Weiser, 1977, is presented together with a detailed description of the cytological and ultrastructural characteristics of a Vavraia culicis-like microsporidian species isolated from Aedes albopictus (Scuse) in Florida. This ''Florida isolate'', is the only known isolate of a species of the genus Vavraia from mosquitoes propagated in laboratory culture. Although the Florida isolate has been used under the name Vavraia culicis in several molecular phylogeny and host-parasite studies, it has not been structurally characterized and its relationship to the type species Vavraia culicis has never been examined. Structural data strongly support placement of the Florida isolate within the genus Vavraia and indicate its close relationship to both the type species of the genus and to other Vavraia-like mosquito microsporidia to which the name V. culicis has been applied. However, the identity of the Florida isolate with V. culicis (Weiser, 1947) Weiser, 1977 cannot be presently confirmed. Morphometric examination of spores of several Vavraia-like microsporidia isolates from mosquitoes, including the type material of Vavraia culicis, indicates that Vavraia culicis-like microsporidia probably represent not a single species, but a group of closely related organisms. Subspecies status is proposed for the Florida isolate.