Differences in lipid metabolism of tumor and normal tissues suggest a distinct response to available lipid compounds. In this study, the in vitro effects of five types of commercial parenteral lipid emulsions were investigated on human cell lines derived from normal fetal colon (FHC) or colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29). Changes of the cellular lipid fatty acid content, cell oxidative response, and the cell growth and death rates were evaluated after 48 h. No effects of any type of emulsions were detected on cell proliferation and viability. Compared to the controls, supplementation with lipid emulsions resulted in a multiple increase of linoleic and linolenic acids in total cell lipids, but the content of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids decreased particularly in HT-29 cells. The concentration of emulsions which did not affected HT-29 cells increased the percentage of floating and subG0/G1 FHC cells probably due to their higher reactive oxygen species production and lipid peroxidation. Co-treatment of cells with antioxidant Trolox reduced the observed effects. Our results imply that lipid emulsions can differently affect the response of colon cells of distinct origin.
Proces stárnutí je předmětem zájmu mnoha vědních oborů. Život mnohobuněčného organizmu je udržován rovnováhou mezi produkcí nových buněk a zánikem starých. Celý tento proces je řízen řadou faktorů, regulačních mechanizmů. Ve stáři dochází k určitým změnám v oblasti antioxidační kapacity, metabolizmu mastných kyselín a biosyntězy cholesterolu. Studiem těchto změn bychom mohli přispět k podačení nepříznivého účinku aktivních forem kyslíku a zpomalení procesu stárnutí., The process of ageing has been the focus of many research disciplines. A multicellular organism is kept alive through a balance of new cell production and old cell decay. There are a number of factors - regulating mechanisms controlling the whole process. Old age is characterized by certain changes as to antioxidant capacity, fatty acid netabolism and cholesterol biosynthesis. Research into these changes may help to suppress the undesirable effect of free oxygen radicals and slow down the process of ageing., Božena Jurašková, D. Solichová, V. Bláha, and Lit. 14