The production of three cytokines, interferon gamma (IFN-y), interleukin 10 (1L-10) and interleukin 12 (IL-12), was measured after intraperitoneal infection of immunocompetent Balb/c mice and immunodeficient SCID mice with the microsporidian, Encephalitozoon cuniculi Levaditi, Nicolau ct Schoen, 1923. High levels of IFN-y were detected in ex vivo cultures of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) of Balb/c mice, a lower, but earlier IFN-y response was observed in PEC from SCID mice. The early 1L-10 response was detected in ex vivo cultures of splenocytes from Balb/c but not from SCID mice, explaining a delay in the IFN-y response in Balb/c mice. IL-12 was detected in PEC cultures from SCID mice, indicating an alternative pathway of IFN-y production by NK. cells stimulated by IL-12 derived from macrophages.
Lasers found their way into many applications. One of them is utilisation of lasersin material research. This paper isfocused on laser method of thin layers preparation and on hybrid laser technologies combining laser with magnetron, with radiofrequency discharge, and ion bombardment of layers. Hybrid systemssignificantly widen the field of laser deposition a quality of prepared coatings. Basic principles and applications in optoelectronics and v biomedicine are discussed. and Lasery jsou aplikovány v řadě činností, jednou ze zajímavých oblastí je použití laserů v materiálovém výzkumu. Článek pojednává o laserové metodě přípravy tenkých vrstev a o hybridních laserových technologiích kombinujících laser s magnetronem, sradiofrekvenčními výboji a siontovým bombardováním vrstev. Hybridní systémy značně rozšiřují oblasti laserových depozic a možnosti zvýšení kvality vytvářených pokrytí. Jsou vysvětleny principy a vyzdviženy některé aplikace v optoelektronice a v biomedicíně.
Random walks are geberic models used in many branches of physics. Its quantum analogues attracted recently interest due to its potential applications in quantum information and quantum transport. We review the basic ideas behind discrete quantum walks and comment on its full optical implementation. The algorithmic applications are briefly discussed., Václav Potoček, Martin Štefaňák, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Employing the non-invasive techniques of infra-red gas analysis and pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry, we determined the partitioning of photosynthetic electrons between photosynthetic carbon reduction and other reductive processes resulting in the formation of active oxygen species (AOS) in intact green leaves. This we studied in plant species that are adapted to two different agro-climatic conditions, namely the warm plains (76°36'E, 9°32'N) and the cool mountains (1 600 m a.s.l.) in the south Indian state of Kerala. Ground frost and low temperature were more harmful to those species adapted to the warm plains than the ones adapted to the cool mountains. Exposure to low temperature decreased leaf photosynthetic carbon assimilation rates and quantum yield of photochemical activity in species naturally adapted to the warm plains. High irradiances further aggravated the harmful effects of low temperature stress possibly by overproducing AOS. This resulted in severe peroxidative damage as inferred by the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the leaves. and B. Alam, J. Jacob.
This paper deals with the determination of global star formation rates (SPRs) from radlo free-free and submm/FIR dust emission. Masslve, hot and luminous stars interact with the surrounding
interstellar matter (ISM) lonlzing the gas and heating the dust. O star formation rates (OSFR) in the galactic disk are estimated with observed Lyman continuum photon production rates. Extrapolation to lower mass stars with a constant inltial mass function (IMF) yields, however, too high total SFRs. Furthermore, the lock-up rate, i.e. the rate at whlch gas transformed into stars is permanently locked up in low mass and dead stars, can not reproduce the present-day mass distribution of the galactic disk. Agreement between Lyc photon production rate and time integrated lockup rate can be reached by introducing bimodal star formation in the galactic disk. Thls means that induced star formation in main spiral arms produces only masslve stars ≥3mq. while spontaneous star formation in the interarm region produces stars in the total mass range ≥0.1 mq.
Estimates of SFR based on Lyc photon production rates can not easily be applied to external galaxies because of the difficulty to separate radio synchroton and free-free emission. It is found that slmilar problems are encountered in separating the emission from warm dust (heated by OB stars) and cold dust (heated by the general Interstellar radiation field). The relation between IR luminoslťy and star formation actlvity of galaxies is much more complex than previously assumed.
The study of one spectrum of comet Mrkos obtained on 1957 August 23 with an objective prism of dispersion 52 A/mm for λ 4000 A is given in this paper. and Článek doplňuje list se snímky komety (nestránkováno)
The goal of this paper is the investigation of erbium and ytterbium doped potassium-lanthanum phosphate glasses. The laser active medium Er,Yb: glass, it is suitable for the generation of laser radiation in the 1.53 μm region which comes into the part of eye-safe radiation (i.e. radiation that does not penetrate to the retina). Laser radiation in this spectral region can be used in radar, ranging, in medical applications, and optical communications. One of the laser generating radiation in the range of 1.5 μm region is the Er,Yb: glass laser which is the goals of this article. The active medium of this laser was pumped longitudinally by coherent radiation of a laser diode the radiation with wavelength 969 nm. Laser and spectroscopic properties of the best working sample were examined in the temperature range 80 K - 300 K. From the experimental results it was found that in the range of this temperature interval the only minimal changes of the emitted laser radiation parameters of designed Er,Yb: glass laser is appeared. and Cílem tohoto článku je zkoumání erbiem a ytterbiem dopovaných draselno-lanthaných fosfátových skel. Laserové aktivní prostředí Er,Yb:sklo je vhodné pro generaci laserového záření o vlnové délce 1,53 μm, které spadá do oblasti pro oko bezpečného tzv. ''eye-safe'' záření, neboť neproniká na sítnici oka. Takové laserové záření může být využito v radarech, dálkoměrech, v lékařských aplikacích a optických komunikacích. Jedním ze zdrojů generujících záření v oblasti 1,5 μm je Er,Yb:sklo laser. Jeho aktivní prostředí bylo čerpané podélně koherentním zářením laserové diody vyzařující na vlnové délce 969 nm. Laserové a spektroskopické vlastnosti nejlépe pracujícího vzorku byly zkoumány v rozsahu teplot 80 K -300 K. Z experimentálních výsledků bylo zjištěno, že při změně teploty v uvedeném rozsahu dochází jen k minimálním změnám parametrů emitovaného laserového záření zkonstruovaného Er,Yb:sklo laseru.