Potato tubers, Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje were stored at 4 or 20 °C. A segment of parenchyma with a bud was cultívated in vitro, in order to study the growth of plantlets according to the storage temperature and the atmosphere composition in vessels. The conservation temperature had no effect on the shoot length, the leaf area and the leaf number. On the other hand, the atmosphere composition in vessels modifíed the morphology. The plantlets cultívated in non-sealed vessels were more developed than the plantlets cultívated in hermetically dosed tubes. The photosynthetic potentíals were 4.7 times higher for the plantlets coming from the tubers stored at 20 °C than for the plantlets coming from the tubers stored at 4 °C. These potentíals were 1.7 times higher when the plantlets were cultívated in non- hermetícally dosed tubes than in hermetically dosed ones. So a conservation of tubers at 20 °C and a culture in non-enclosed vessels seemed to be the suitable conditions for the micropropagation of potatoes in viiro. Moreover, this culture type could improve the acdimatízatíon.
The present article contains a survey-description of principles of possible realizations of waveguiding propagation, Bragg’s reflection and two-beam interferometry of plasmonic optical radiations in systems containing photonic bandgap metallic nanocrystals. Such a description is extended by principles of detection of optical diffraction patterns under exploitation of the very near-field scanning optical microscopy that enables their super-resolution., Článek obsahuje přehledný popis principů možných realizací vlnovodového šíření, braggovského odrazu a dvousvazkové interference plazmonových optických záření ve fotonických soustavách obsahujících kovové nanokrystaly se zakázanými energetickými pásy. Tento popis je rozšířen principy detekce optických difrakčních obrazců pomocí skenovací optické mikroskopie ve velmi blízkém optickém poli, které umožňuje jejich superrozlišení., and Jeden z autorů: Jan Hrdý, jr.