A numerical model of the unsaturated water movement in capillary pores of soil matrix was used for the water flow in macropores and in capillary pores. Hydraulic conductivity dependance on soil moisture content for macropores was linearized between two soil moisture contents: the saturated soil matrix moisture content and the saturated soil moisture content with macropores. The second one is neither possible to define unambiguously nor measure. It is possible to determine its optimal value from the measured moisture content courses and by those, calculated by mathematic model. and Na výpočet pohybu vody v dvoch oblastiach, v makropóroch a kapilárnych póroch bol použitý numerický model pohybu vody v kapilárnych póroch vodou nenasýtenej pôdnej matrice. Závislosť hydraulickej vodivosti od vlhkosti pôdy pre makropórovú oblasť bola linearizovaná medzi dvoma vlhkosťami pôdy: vlhkosťou vodou nasýtenej pôdnej matrice a vlhkosťou vodou nasýtenej pôdy aj s makropórmi. Poslednú z týchto dvoch nemožno jednoznačne definovať ani namerať. Z priebehov vlhkostí vo vybraných hĺbkach pôdy určených meraním a matematickým modelovaním môžeme určiť optimálnu hodnotu vlhkosti vodou nasýtenej pôdy aj s makropórmi.
In its relation to ethnology, ethics shows two levels: on the one side, it can be a matter of scientific interest; on the other one, the principles of ethics should be an inseparable part of all stages of ethnologist’s work - beginning with the choice of a research problem through the field research and its procession up to the interpretation and publication of the research results. As to the research work, there was more focus on the issue of ethics in Slovakia at the beginning of the 20th century.
The contribution is divided into two parts: In the first one, H. Hlôšková deals with the summarization of hitherto activities in this field - putting stress on the activity of the Slovak Ethnological Society; however, she also informs about the state of ethical codex preparations at the Slovak Association of Social Anthropologist (SASA). In the second part, K. Nováková explains the particular application of ethics of research and the interpretation of research
results from the point of view of the courses in individual departments of ethnology in Slovakia, as they are accessible for the public in available documents - e.g. on the department
websitesor in other materials. The authors mention particular examples of how principles of ethics of research are applied and how their results are interpreted in courses and scientific work at
academic institutions of ethnology in Slovakia.