The area of biomedicine is one of the fastes developing areas of science and technology. The perception of its possible and wxpected positive or negative impacts results in the growing number of bioethical discussions in scientific community, politics and public. Their intensity, focus and used methods differ from country to country. he authors of the prologue have tried to map the state of the art and expected development of bioethical discussion in the coutnries of Middle and Eastern Europe. In the beginning, they addressed the bioethical experts with short questionnaire from 7 "new" European coutries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and two "old" European coutries (Germany and Austria). In the end, seven experts have responde their question (Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Austria and Germany) and expressed their expectations and difficulties of the development of bioethical discussions and institutionalisations in their countries. The authors summarize in the prologue the most interesting results. and Gerhard Banse, Monika Bartíková.
239 observed minima up to 1959 are collected and discussed. It is found that before 1925 the period may have varied periodically, while after 1925 it has remained practically constant. The appearance of the curve of the residuals as well as rough calculations make it improbable that the period variations could be explained in terms of apsidal or nodal motion or presence of a third body. It is more probable that an actual change in the true period took place.
The paper is designed as a set of reflections of a rather general nature. It describes the presence of Vietnamese in the Czech Republic during the last twenty years. The text captures changes describable only in trends. These are gradual transformations of local communities into modern Central European diaspora or a transnational community. For Vietnamese in the Czech Republic, the impulse to solve their economic situation dominates in terms of objective causes as well as the subjective reasoning of individual participants of the transfer. Business activities played a major role in the development of the community life of Vietnamese. These were either uncontrolled (unofficial) street sales of goods, variously organized retail or sales in wholesale markets. Phases of Vietnamese entrepreneurship in the Czech environment: 1.
Uncontrolled street stall selling (1990-1992) following previous business activities from the 1980s, 2. forming of urban and border zone markets (1992-1995), 3. so-called golden times of markets (1995-1998), 4. gradual decline in stall sales in markets and shift of Vietnamese business into stores (1998–today). A significant difference of Vietnamese existence is the fact that it does not seek a new identity when it moves to another country. A Vietnamese businessman is more strongly enclosed in his own cultural habits; after moving he prefers financial profit not only for himself but also for his family back in Vietnam. The dominant form containing
classic purchasing and sales of cheap goods is slowly
disappearing, the interest in making money is transforming and the tendency to establish new associations is apparent.