The goal of this article is to approach the Armenian epic poetry and above all the phenomenon of local troubadour lyrics as such, in the light of traditions of neighbouring nations and also in a European context. I have tried to show that Armenia (and the Caucasus region as whole) is far from being a region deserving only the marginal interest of researchers. To the contrary, its relative isolation on the one hand and the constant blending of cultures and the emergence of syncretic traditions on the other hand make the Caucasus a fountainhead of topics not only for ethnologists and folklorists. Armenian lyric poetry can be shown to have developed under the strong influence of Persian as well as Arabic poetry, but Armenian folk art tended to také its inspiration also from local traditions, and through the quasi authorship of hayrens it then became the inspiration for the higher art form of poetry. Through popular music, Armenian troubadour lyric poetry has remained alive and is still popular with the public.
This article aims to compare two aspects of the education systems in two East European countries. As the political history of the Czech Republic and Poland in the past fifty years is similar, the authors compare the countries' development in tackling educational inequalities and attempt to evaluate their policies and reforms from the beginning of socialism to date. Despite many similarities and identical outcomes in the past (no effect in lowering levels of educational inequalities), these countries undertook two different approaches to the transformation of higher education after 1989. The specific current developments in higher education in the Czech Republic and Poland have been caused by conservative and reserved legislation in the former and the creation of new, very liberal rules for establishing non-state higher education institutions in the latter. As there emerged a considerable difference in the number of higher education institutions in each country, the authors show the negative impact on educational inequalities and the social consequences of the enormous increase in the number of students and private universities. Despite different approaches, the countries face many similar problems, such as quality assurance, a shortage of staff, and information asymmetry. These problems seem to be sharper in Poland, but it is only a matter of time for the Czech Republic.
Text sa v úvode venuje histórii reprezentatívnych výskumov na Slovensku a v Československu od roku 1948 a na tomto príklade zdôrazňuje dôležitosť archivácie. Neexistencia dátového archívu mala za následok stratu údajov z mnohých výskumov realizovaných pred rokom 1989. Štúdium predstavuje pokusy o založenie dátového archívu na Slovensku a bližšie predstavuje Slovenský archív sociálnych dát (SASD), ktorý je v súčasnosti prevádzkovaný Katedrou sociológie FF UK a Sociologickým ústavom SAV. Relatívne neskorá inštitucionalizácia archívu na Slovensku ponúkla možnosť, archivovať dáta priamo v aktuálnom štandarde DDI. Cieľ SASD - zvyšovať metodologické štandardy výskumov realizovaných na Slovensku, demonštruje text na príkladoch nejednotnosti slovenských prekladov otázok a variantov odpovedí z medzinárodných výskumov, ako aj na príklade nejednotnosti použitých škál. Na záver štúdia predstavuje možnú spoluprácu archívov sociálnych dát v ČR a SR. Jej náplňou by mohla byť archivácia a kompletizácia informácií o výskumoch z obdobia spoločného štátu, prípadne aj tvorba rozdelených dátových súborov reprezentatívnych pre Čechy a Slovensko., Miroslav Tížik, Miloslav Bahna., 5 obrázků, 5 tabulek, and Obsahuje bibliografii