In this paper the author examines the aspectual usage of Czech verba dicendi říkat/říci when they introduce direct speech. According to the common opinion (Kopečný, 1962 - see also Forsyth, 1970 about Russian) there is a high degree o indifference in this type of situation. Data from the Czech National Corpus show on the contrary that aspectual choice is always somehow motivated in a broader context. It seems therefore that indifference is a mere illusion created by the observation of artificial or contextless examples.
the Museum of Beskydy Frýdek Místek has been engaged in documentation of folk carving and Christmas crib making in Pobeskydí region for many years. The collection had already been
started at the beginning of 1950s (the first exhibition took place in 1952) thanks to J. Vochala, curator of the Lach Museum in Frýdek Místek. The collection of folk carvings and Nativity scenes of the Museum of Beskydy Frýdek-Místek represents a unique demonstration of works of art created mainly from the first half of the 20th century up to now. After viewing this collection, one will find out that it shows a relatively accurate picture of the development of folk carving and Christmas crib making in the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, not only in north-eastern Moravia but also in frontier regions of Beskydy. The collection includes works by woodcarvers from Moravian, Silesian, Polish and Slovakian parts of the Beskydy Mountains, and numbers 250 inventory items from almost 40 authors. The collection is now being closely and critically studied, evaluated, and individual works are classified. The
examination will result in a catalogue of authors and carvings represented in the museum’s collection which will extend possibilities of study. It will also become the foundation for the creation of a new programme of collection leading to the systematic addition of folk carvings and Nativity scenes to the collection of
the Museum of Beskydy Frýdek Místek.
The study on bedload transport behaviour is widely explored from the last few decades and many semiempirical or empirical equilibrium transport equations are developed. The phenomenon is a very complex due to its varied physical properties like velocity, depth, slope, particle size in the alluvial system. In practical applications, these formulae have appreciable deviation from each other in derivation and also their ranges of applications are different. Here, bedload transports have been categorized into moderate bedload transport and intense bedload transport depending upon the Einstein bedload transport parameter. Based on large database of different bedload measurements, a comparative analysis has been performed to ascertain prediction ability of different bedload equations based on various statistical criteria such as the coefficient of determination, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and index of agreement. It has been found that equations based on shear stress have worked better than other approaches (discharge, probabilistic and regression) for flume observations. and Výskum transportu splavenín počas posledného obdobia bol relatívne intenzívny; jeho výsledkom bolo množstvo empirických a poloempirických rovníc kvantifikujúcich rovnovážny transport splavenín. Je to zložitá problematika; je to tak v dôsledku meniacich sa fyzikálnych vlastností ako je rýchlosť, hĺbka, sklon, zrnitostné zloženie splavenín v aluviálnom systéme. Výsledky výpočtu z týchto rovníc sa významne líšia a líši sa tiež oblasť ich možnej aplikácie. V tejto štúdii je transport splavenín rozdelený na priemerný a intenzívny, podľa Einsteinovho parametra transportu splavenín. S využitím štatistických metód sme uskutočnili komparatívnu analýzu presnosti rozdielnych rovníc transportu splavenín. Pri analýze bola použitá rozsiahla databáza výsledkov meraní. Výsledkom je, že rovnice založené na informácii o tangenciálnom napätí dávajú lepšie výsledky ako tie, ktoré využívajú pre výpočet transportu splavenín prietoky, pravdepodobnostný prístup a regresie.
The article provides a classification of the static spatial relations expressed by the prepositions v(e) and na (in most contexts translated as in and on) in contemporary Czech, based on the data of The Czech National Corpus and the internet. Both prepositions, used with a nominal phrase in the locative, may refer to several distinct relations between the determined and the determining spatial object (usually, but not necessarily, various types of localization). For each of the prepositions, these relations are classified with special attention to possible variation between the two (and some other) prepositions in describing the same situation. Such detailed analysis of prepositional meanings and variation seems useful e. g. in advanced learning of Czech as a foreign language. The description of the static spatial meanings of the prepositions is a proper basis for describing their other spatial (dynamic) as well as non-spatial (ab-stract) meanings.
Results of a study on trypanorhynch ccstodes of fishes from Indonesian coastal waters are presented. A new species, Dasyrhynchus thomasi sp. n., is described, and five species are recorded which all represent new locality records: Tentacularia coryphaenae Bose, 1797; Nyhelinia africana Dollfus, 1960; Nybelinia scoliodoni (Vijayalakshmi, Vijayalakshmi et Gangadharam, 1996); Sphyriocephalus dollfusi Bussieras et Aldrin, 1968; and Otobothrium penetrans Linton, 1907, Their known ranges of distribution are extended to the East-Indian Ocean. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to clarify details of the tentacular armature and surface morphology of T. coryphaenae, D. thomasi and O. penetrans. In T. coryphaenae, hook-like microtriches along the bothridial tegument are embedded in the distal cytoplasm, sometimes showing a split base. The solid tentacular hooks are embedded into a fibrillar, highly ordered tentacular wall. D. thomasi is distinguished by its characteristically shaped bothridia and a triple chainette with winged hooks on the external surface of the tentacle. Tufts of microtrichcs with ciliated sensory receptors arc regularly arranged on the bothridial surface of O. penetrans. They show similarities to sensory receptors reported from other trypanorhynch cestodes. Otobothrium pephrikos Dollfus, 1969 is considered a junior synonym for O. penetrans, and the variability of the scolex within trypanorhynch cestodes is emphasised.