This work is focused on the laser ablation synthesis of Cu/Ag nanostructures in aqueous solution of acetic acid containing chitosan as capping agent. A two step process taking place in a flowing cell using femtosecond laser pulses was developed to consecutively ablate each metal. As-prepared nanomaterials were morphologically and spectroscopically characterized by transmission electron microscopy, UV-VIS and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Application of Cu/Ag nanomaterials is envisaged as antibacterial materials for food packaging. and Článek se zaměřuje na syntézu Cu/Ag nanostruktur laserovou ablací ve vodném roztoku kyseliny octové obsahujícím chitosan, který plní funkci stabilizačního media. Dvoukroková ablace, probíhající v průtokové cele za použití femtosekundových laserových pulsů, byla navržena tak, aby byla umožněna následná ablace kovů. Takto připravené nanomateriály byly morfologicky a spektroskopicky charakterizovány pomocí transmisní elektronové mikroskopie, UV-VIS a fotoelektronové spektroskopie. Jako případné aplikace Cu/Ag nanostruktur lze uvést antibakteriální obalové materiály potravin.
The laboratory follows the tradition of the Department of Quantum light generators of the ISI. The first gas laser in Czechoslovakia was put into operation and commercially successful ineterferometric systems were developed here. At present the group deals predominantly with stabilized lasers for etalons of optical frequencies, interferometric techniques with high resolution and direct methods of measurement of index of refraction of air. Traditional links of the group are to the Technical University of Brno, especially to the faculties of electrical and mechanical engieering and to institutes of metrology in the Czech Republic and abroad.
In this article the development of blue light emitting diodes (LEDs, awarded by the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2014) is described from the point of view of material science and technology. Further, both challenges and benefits from the use of gallium nitride for LEDs are discussed in the article., Josef Stejskal, Jindřich Leitner, Zdeněk Sofer., and Obsahuje seznam literatury