Recently, Rim and Teply [8], using the notion of τ -exact modules, found a necessary condition for the existence of τ -torsionfree covers with respect to a given hereditary torsion theory τ for the category R-mod of all unitary left R-modules over an associative ring R with identity. Some relations between τ -torsionfree and τ -exact covers have been investigated in [5]. The purpose of this note is to show that if σ = (Tσ, Fσ) is Goldie’s torsion theory and Fσ is a precover class, then Fτ is a precover class whenever τ ≥ σ. Further, it is shown that Fσ is a cover class if and only if σ is of finite type and, in the case of non-singular rings, this is equivalent to the fact that Fτ is a cover class for all hereditary torsion theories τ ≥ σ.
a1_The carbon dioxide concentration in free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) systems typically has rapid fluctuations. In our FACE system, power spectral analysis of CO2 concentration measured every second with an open path analyzer indicated peaks in variation with a period of about one minute. I used
open-top chambers to expose cotton and wheat plants to either a constant elevated CO2 concentration of 180 μmol mol-1 above that of outside ambient air, or to the same mean CO2 concentration, but with the CO2 enrichment cycling between about 30 and 330 μmol mol-1 above the concentration of outside ambient air, with a period of one minute. Three short-term replicate plantings of cotton were grown in Beltsville, Maryland with these CO2 concentration treatments imposed for 27-day periods over two summers, and one winter wheat crop was grown from sowing to maturity. In cotton, leaf gas-exchange measurements of the continuously elevated treatment and the fluctuating treatment indicated that the fluctuating CO2 concentration treatment consistently resulted in substantial down-regulation of net photosynthetic rate (PN) and stomatal conductance (gs). Total shoot biomass of the vegetative cotton plants in the fluctuating CO2 concentration treatment averaged 30% less than in the constantly elevated CO2 concentration treatment at 27 days after planting. In winter wheat, leaf gas-exchange measurements also indicated that down-regulation of PN and gs occurred in flag leaves in the fluctuating CO2 concentration treatment, but the effect was not as consistent in other leaves, nor as severe as found in cotton. However, wheat grain yields were 12% less in the fluctuating CO2 concentration treatment compared with the constant elevated CO2 concentration treatment., a2_Comparison with wheat yields in chambers without CO2 addition indicated a nonsignificant increase of 5% for the fluctuating elevated CO2 concentration treatment, and a significant increase of 19% for the constant elevated treatment. The results suggest that treatments with fluctuating elevated CO2 concentrations could underestimate plant growth at projected future atmospheric CO2 concentrations., J. A. Bunce., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V polovině roku 2014 začalo fungovat laserové centrum HiLASE v nové budově v Dolních Břežanech nedaleko Prahy. V centru jsou vyvíjeny vysokovýkonné lasery, které budou použity pro pokročilé aplikace. Čtyřletý výzkum již přinesl řadu původních výsledků a první lasery jsou již v provozu [1, 2]. V článku uvádíme přehled používaných laserových technologií, vyvíjených laserových systémů a nových diagnostických metod., At the new HiLASE laser centre, which started to operate in the middle of 2014, lasers with high average power intended for high-tech applications are developed. So far progress has brought several original results and the first lasers are in operation. This paper presents an overview of the laser technologies used, lasers under development and new diagnostic methods., Ondřej Novák, Martin Smrž, Michal Chyla, Siva S. Nagisetty, Hana Turčičová, Jiří Mužík, Patricie Severová, Pawel Sikocinski, Jakub Měsíček, Jaroslav Huynh, Tomáš Hambálek, Jens Linnemann, Alina Pranovich, Taisuke Miura, Akira Endo, Martin Divoký, Ondřej Slezák, Magdalena Sawicka-Chyla, Venkatesan Jambunathan, Petr Navrátil, Lucie Horáčková, David Vojna, Jan Pilař, Stafano Bonora, Antonio Lucianetti, Tomáš Mocek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury