Net photosynthetic rate (PN) of ear and flag leaf during grain filling stage and grain yield of plants with non-darkened or darkened flag leaf or darkened ear were examined in two different CO2 concentrations: ambient (AC) and AC+200 µmol mol-1 (EC). Ear showed much higher enhancement (56 %) of PN than flag leaf (23 %) under EC. Moreover, CO2 enrichment shortened the photosynthetic duration of flag leaf relative to ear. In this way the ratio of ear to flag leaf contribution to grain yield increased from 1.18 (AC) to 1.39 (EC). and C.-W. Zhu ... [et al.].
Ačkoliv jsou neutrina nejpočetnějšími hmotnými částicemi ve vesmíru, jejich klidovou hmotnost dosud neznáme. Mezinárodní experiment KATRIN, jehož spoluzakladateli a aktivními účastníky jsou i vědci z Ústavu jaderné fyziky AV ČR, nedávno zjistil, že půl milionu neutrin je lehčích než jeden elektron, který je druhou nejlehčí elementární částicí., Although neutrinos are the most numerous massive particles in the universe their rest mass is still not known. The international experiment KATRIN, whose co-founders and active participants are scientists from the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Acad. Sci., proved recently that five hundred thousand neutrinos weight less than one electron, which is the second lightest elementary particle., and Otokar Dragoun, Drahoslav Vénos.