Forty soil samples from forests and other biotopes in Germany and the Czech Republic were studied for the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes using the Galleria bait method at the same time as a sieving-decanting method for direct extraction of infective-stage juveniles. Five Steinernema species were recovered trom the samples from Germany and four species from the samples from Czechia. All five species were recovered with both methods, but the baiting technique was generally less effective and mixtures of species were frequently undetected. The direct extraction method provided quantitative estimates of infective-stage juvenile density but no information on their infcclivity or on morphological characters of adults, and nematode cultures could not be established.
Specimens of the type species of the ascaridoid genus Iheringascaris Pereira, 1935, I. inquies (Linton, 1901) (Anisakidae), were collected from the digestive tract and mesentery of its type host Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) (Rachycentridae, Perciformes) from off the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, USA, during May of 2011. Scanning electron microscopical examination, used for the first time for specimens originating from the West Atlantic, made it possible to study in detail some taxonomically important morphological features, such as the number and distribution of male caudal papillae, cephalic and cuticular structures, deirids and cloacal (anal) lips. The allocation of other, poorly described, species from different hosts in Indian waters to this genus needs to be confirmed.