The influence of calcium channel blockers and ionophore on Cu2+-induced changes of the photosynthetic activity of runner bean plants (Phaseolus coccineus L.) was investigated. Excess Cu2+ was applied to leaves by injection or via the roots to examine a short/local or a long time/systemic effect of this metal, respectively. The changes in fluorescence parameters indicated that the mechanism of toxic action of Cu2+ ions on the photosynthetic apparatus was only partially connected with Ca2+ or Ca2+ channels. In young plants Ca2+ diminished especially photochemical and nonphotochemical dissipative processes induced by short- and long-term influence of excess Cu2+. Blocking of Ca2+ channels did not change direct Cu2+ action on the photosynthetic activity, however, their opening distinctly intensified the inhibitory effect of the metal. After a longer accumulation peri od the effect of Cu2+ ions did not change significantly due to modified Ca2+ penetration through membranes (except that caused by La3+). Copper directly introduced into older leaves diminished only at its highest concentration the activity both of the donor and acceptor sides of photosystem 2 (PS2) connected with Rfd decrease and increase of LNU. A similar effect was observed also after a long-term Cu2+ action, but disturbances on the acceptor side of PS2 were observed only at a higher Ca2+ content in the nutrient solution. Ca2+ ions, particularly after openning of channels, intensified direct inhibitory Cu2+ action on the photosynthetic activity expressed by decreased values of Fv/F0 and Rfd. Lanthanum and verapamil, at a lower Ca2+ content in the medium, decreased the photosynthetic activity of Cu2+-treated plants. This effect was also seen after additional Ca2+ supply to the leaves. and W. Maksymiec, T. Baszyński.
The paper presents the results of analysis of temporal and spatial changes of snow water equivalent (SWE) in the mountain basin of the upper Hron River over 40 hydrological years. Spatial distribution of SWE was simulated with the WaSiM model. Measured as well as simulated data indicated despite large temporal variations of SWE, the period since the mid-1980-ties seems to have less snow than the previous decades. Simulations indicated pronounced decrease of SWE in the southern part of the basin. Changes of SWE in the highest mountains were not so pronounced. The analysis of previous decades is considered to be the first step in the assessment of impacts of expected climate changes in the future. and Príspevok je venovaný analýze časových a priestorových zmien vodnej hodnoty snehovej pokrývky v povodí horného Hrona za obdobie 40 rokov (hydrologické roky 1962-2001). Priestorové rozdelenie vodnej hodnoty snehu bolo simulované modelom WaSiM. Napriek veľkej variabilite vodnej hodnoty merané aj simulované údaje ukazujú, že od polovice 80-tych rokov 20. storočia došlo v povodí k poklesu vodnej hodnoty snehu. Výsledky simulácie priestorového rozdelenia vodnej hodnoty poukazujú na výrazný pokles najmä v južnej časti povodia. Zmeny vodnej hodnoty v najvyšších častiach povodia v jeho severnej oblasti neboli také dramatické. Analýza časových a najmä priestorových zmien vodnej hodnoty snehu za posledné dekády je prvým krokom pri odhade dopadu možnej zmeny klímy na budúce zmeny snehovej pokrývky.