The ultrastructural cytology and reproduction of Amphiacantha longa Caullery et Mesnil, 1914 is described. Mcrogonial reproduction was not observed. The sporogony follows two lines: free disporoblastic. and enveloped, polysporoblastic, involving sporoblast mother cells. The enveloped sporogony is endogenous in spore sacs of sporont origin, daughter cells are formed by vacuolation. Probably all stages have coupled nuclei. Both free and enveloped spores are equipped with an extrusion apparatus composed of a flat polar sac, a straight polar filament of manubrium type, and a posterior globular appendix. Manubrium and appendix are enclosed in a membraneous coat. Circular elements of coat material occur in the proximity of the extrusion apparatus. The membraneous coat and the surface layer of the manubrium penetrate the polar sac. The extrusion apparatus is located at the wide pole of the spore, the nuclei at the narrower pole. Hosts are gregarines of the genus Lecudina Mingazzini, living in the gut of the polychaete Lumbrinereis fragilis (O. F. Muller). The cytology and reproduction are discussed and compared to other genera of metchnikovellideans, to the chytridiopsid genera, and to microsporidia expressing the typical cytology for the group. Metchnikovellideans and chytridiopsids exhibit cytological and reproductive similarities. The species is redescribed, the diagnosis of the genus Amphiacantha Caullery et Mesnil, 1914 is emended, and the new family Amphiacanthidae, comprising the genera Amphiacantha and Amphiamblys Caullery et Mesnil, 1914, is established.