The history of lasers at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the ASCR in Brno (ISI) has begun 1249 days after the worldwide premiere of laser. The first to be put into operation at ISI was the He-Ne laser (16 October 1963). Highest attention was then paid to its further development making possible a large number of its applications. The He-Ne laser was followed by a ruby laser (4 March 1964), He-Cd laser (1970), and Nd:YAG laser (1973). The article presents all achievements concerning lasers at ISI accompanied by historic photos, their applications and routes to production at national companies. Nowadays many of these instruments and techniques are in use and are further being perfected, such as interferometric distance measurements with sub-nanometer resolution, methods of comparison of metrological etalons by femtosecond lasers, utilization of laser light for manipulations with micro-object combined with laser micro-spectroscopy., P. Zemánek, J. Lazar, O. Číp, L. Oprchalová, J. Kršek, D. Vavrouch., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The role of groundwater resurgence on runoff coefficients was investigated in the Alzette river floodplain, upstream of Luxembourg-city (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). A threshold in the saturation level was identified through the calculation of a water balance at daily time step. This threshold appeared to coincide with groundwater resurgence in the Alzette river floodplain. Once groundwater resurgence appears, runoff coefficients reach their maximum level of approximately 70%, regardless of individual rainfall event totals. Groundwater level monitoring can thus serve as a tool for evaluating the overall saturation level, as well as the runoff coefficients that are to be expected in case of rainfall. The water balance and groundwater levels having been identified as indicators of the overall soil moisture in the basin prior to a flood, these variables were used to develop an empirical tool for the estimation of peak discharge in the Alzette river basin for rainfall events of a given return period. and Príspevok analyzuje vplyv prelivu hladiny podzemnej vody na odtokové koeficienty v inundačnom území rieky Alzette v hornej časti povodia nad mestom Luxemburg. Na základe hydrologickej bilancie (určenia zásoby vody v povodí) v dennom kroku bolo určené prahové nasýtenie povodia, ktoré sa časovo zhoduje s výskytom prelivu podzemnej vody v inundačnom území rieky Alzette. Po vzniku prelivu odtokové koeficienty dosahujú svoju maximálnu hodnotu približne 70 %, bez ohľadu na celkový úhrn jednotlivých zrážkových udalostí. Monitoring hladiny podzemnej vody teda môže byť použitý pri určení celkového nasýtenia povodia aj odtokových koeficientov, ktoré sa v takom prípade pri výskyte zrážok dajú očakávať. Hydrologická bilancia a hladiny podzemnej vody ako indikátory stavu nasýtenia povodia pred udalosťou boli použité na odvodenie empirického spôsobu odhadu kulminačného prietoku v povodí Alzette pre zrážkové udalosti s danou dobou opakovania.