The relationship between soil water availability, physiological responses [leaf chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, leaf water potential (Ψ), and stomatal conductance (gs)] and plant stress was studied in Halimium halimifolium (L.) Willk, Cistaceae, in three sites with contrasted water regimes (Monte Blanco - MB, Monte Intermedio - MI, and Monte Negro - MN) of Doñana National Park (SW of Spain) along the day, in September (summer period) and December (winter period) 1994. In winter, differences among the areas were not significant, with Ψ, gs, and photochemical efficiency values of -1.5 MPa, 0.200 cm s-1, and 0.70, respectively. In summer, however, high declines of gs (0.014 cm s-1 in MI and 0.021 cm s-1 in MB), photochemical efficiency (0.65 Fv/Fp in MB and MI sites) and Ψ (-3.76 in MI and -3.04 MPa in MB) were recorded. Winter-summer differences were minimum in well-watered sites (MN) and maximum in MI. The Ψ and photosystem 2 (PS2) fluorescence were correlated and showed similar seasonal patterns in all three areas. and M. Zunzunegui ... [et al.].