Od počátku roku 2012 je na FF UK v Praze v rámci pětiletého projektu GA ČR připravována kritická čtenářská edice korespondence Karla Havlíčka. Projekt je koncipován jako interdisciplinární (historický a jazykovědný) a navazuje na edici a výzkum korespondence Boženy Němcové. Půjde o první úplnou edici Havlíčkovy korespondence (odeslané i přijaté). Všechny dopisy jsou digitálně fotografovány, transliterovány (transliterační zásady jsou zde otištěny jako příloha) a bude z nich vytvořen počítačový korpus, který mj. napomůže i přesnosti edičního zpracování., Since January 2012, a critical popular edition of Karel Havlíček’s correspondence is being prepared for publication at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, with support of Czech Science Foundation. This five-year project is designed as interdisciplinary (historical as well as linguistic) and it builds on the publication and research of the correspondence of Božena Němcová. It is going to be the first complete edition of the letters both written by and addressed to Havlíček. All letters are being shot digitally and transliterated (the manual for transliteration is published here as an appendix); then, a computer language corpus of Karel Havlíček’s correspondence will be built, which-among others-will help in achieving accuracy of the editorial processing. (Translated by Robert Adam.), and Překlad resumé: Robert Adam
Polymer materials exhibit a high ductility. Determination of the yield strain as well as the break (ultimate) strain is usually done on the basis of tensile tests performed on standard samples and evaluated for normalizhed measured length, supposing the homogeneous material deformation along the sample axis. This experimental approach does not take into account the plastic strain concentration ii small neck area during the final deformation phase before the sample rupture, what is typical for the plastics behavior. Application of so defined material characteristic in the case of Finite element metod (FEM) analyses of real constructions made of TSCP plastics (typical semi-crystal polymer) led to significantly conservative (smaller) values of ultimate loads compared to the measured ones. A special experimental method making use of high-speed camera has been developed to determine the strain in defined small area of local strain concentration being also in correlation with the FEM element size. Application of the more realistic (higher local) break strain value in the case of FEM analyses of real TSCP constructions led to much better agreement between the calculated and measured stiffness and ultimate load values.