The induction of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) characterized by day/night acid fluctuation was measured in leaves from well-watered plants of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum grown in pots of four different volumes (160, 740, 2 600, and 6 500 cm^). CAM induction was dependent on soil volume: ťhe larger the pot, the later the induction took plače. Induction started when shoot water content fell to below 3 000 % of dry mass. For plants grown in the smaller pots (160-2 600 cm^) induction was linearly correlated with decreasing leaf water content. In contiast, induction was neither correlated with age nor with developmental stage of the plants. For plants grown in the largest pots leaf water content was not decreased and CAM was not induced up to week 10. Thus CAM induction is controlled environmentally rather than developmentally.
The paper is aimed at a modeling of transonic flow of steam with pressure and temperature range corresponding to conditions in steam turbines. A possibility of the droplet size spectra reconstruction is discussed. Numerical results are compared to experimental data for nozzle flow. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Net photosynthetic rate growth and flower and firoit settíng pattems were studied in two cultivars of bell-pepper (Ccpsicum annuum L. cv. Arka Mohini, a detenninate type and Arka Basant, an indetenninate type) grown at two different night temperatures. and growdi were higher at high night temperature (27/22 <*C, day/night) dian at low night temperature (27/17 °C) in bodl cultivars. The flower and fitiit numbers were higher in die plants grown at 27/17 °C than at 27/22 oC.
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na přehled metodologických přístupů ke korespondenci v domácí novočeské ediční teorii počínaje texty Jana Jakubce, přes články a návrhy zásad od Arne Nováka, Rudolfa Havla, Olgy Svejkovské, Mojmíra Otruby ad., konče skripty Petra Komendy. Pojednává základní tendence jednotlivých přístupů, které byly sice formovány polarizací v pojetí dopisového materiálu (text-dokument x literarizovaný text), sleduje však zároveň dynamiku postupného sbližování obou přístupů ve způsobu edičního zpracování, která koresponduje s proměnami chápání epistolárních pramenů v literární vědě., This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to correspondence in modern Czech editorial theory, from texts by Jan Jakubec to articles and principles put forward by e.g. Arne Novák, Rudolf Havel, Olga Svejkovská, Mojmír Otruba and lecture notes by Petr Komenda. It deals with the basic trends of individual approaches, which were indeed formed through the polarization (i.e. text-document vs. literarized text) in the conception of letter material, but it also follows the dynamics of the gradual rapprochement of these two procedures in editorial method, reflecting changes in the understanding of epistolary sources in literary studies. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke