This tour is designed to guide you through the process of running a Treex scenario.
You can stop the tour at anytime by clicking on X in the top right corner of each of these popups.
Now, to get started click on Run Treex item in the top menu.
Click on Pick scenario to display a list of available scenarios.
Pick the scenario you like.
As you can see there are several options for the input:
Input is limited to 1000 characters.
NextHit the big button.
Treex is now processing you scenario. It may take a while.
In the mean time we would like to thank you for trying Treex.
You can find more about Treex at our main page.
End this tourYour Identity Provider (IdP) doesn't expose needed metadata to complete authentication. We require at minimum the email address to be available. If you can't infuence your IdP to change the metadata policy write us at and we will make you a local account.
For unknown reason the authentication process failed. Repeat the process and if the problem persists please contact us at and we will try to look at the issue.
Please wait for the authentication process to complete.
To sign in, you can use any account with an Identity Provider that is a member of EduGAIN federation. If you don't have an academic account that works with us, let us know. We will make you a local account.