Beth am gynnig help am fore/pnawn neu ddiwrnod naill ai fel stiwardiaid, actorion (dim angen dysgu llinellau!) neu i edrych ar ôl y ddau asyn y tu allan i'r Tabernacl.
Why not offer help for a morning / afternoon or a day either as stewards, actors (no need to learn lines!) Or to look after the two donkeys outside the Tabernacle.
Mae mudiad iaith yn dweud nad oes gyda nhw 'ffydd' ym mhennaeth Cymwysterau Cymru yn dilyn cyfarfod gyda fe, gan nad yw wedi addo dileu Cymraeg ail iaith, er gwaethaf cyfres o addewidion polisi gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
A language organization says they have no 'faith' in the head of Qualifications Wales following a meeting with him, as he has not promised to abolish Welsh second language, despite a series of policy promises from the Welsh Government.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddisodli Cymraeg ail iaith gydag un continwwm o ddysgu Cymraeg ac un cymhwyster Cymraeg i bob disgybl ers 2015.
The Welsh Government has committed to replace Welsh second language with one continuum of Welsh learning and one Welsh qualification per pupil since 2015.
Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith wedi galw am beilota cymhwyster Cymraeg newydd cyn y dyddiad yna er mwyn hwyluso disodli Cymraeg ail iaith gydag un cymhwyster i bob disgybl.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith has called for a new Welsh language qualification to be piloted before that date to facilitate the replacement of Welsh second language with one qualification per pupil.
Mewn llythyr at Philip Blaker, pennaeth y corff sy'n rheoleiddio cymwysterau yng Nghymru, sy'n byw yn swydd Henffordd, meddai Cadeirydd Grŵp Addysg Cymdeithas yr Iaith Mabli Siriol:
In a letter to Philip Blaker, head of the body that regulates qualifications in Wales, based in Herefordshire, the Chair of the Education Group of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Mabli Siriol said:
Hoffem fynegi pryder a siom o glywed nad oes dealltwriaeth na gwaith cychwynnol ar lunio un cymhwyster newydd wedi cychwyn gan eich sefydliad mewn ymateb i ymrwymiadau clir gan y cyn-Weinidog Addysg Huw Lewis, y cyn-Brif Weinidog Carwyn Jones, y Gweinidog Addysg presennol Kirsty Williams a'r Prif Weinidog presennol Mark Drakeford i greu un continwwm dysgu a chyfundrefn asesu Cymraeg.
We would like to express concern and disappointment that your organization has not begun understanding or initial work on the creation of one new qualification in response to clear commitments from former Education Minister Huw Lewis, former First Minister Carwyn Jones, current Education Minister Kirsty Williams and current Prime Minister Mark Drakeford to create a single learning continuum and Welsh assessment system.
Ers pedair blynedd mae dileu Cymraeg Ail Iaith wedi bod yn bolisi Llywodraeth, ond ymddengys nad ydych fel corff wedi gwneud dim byd i symud yr agenda ymlaen a gwireddu'r amcan.
For four years the removal of Welsh Second Language has been Government policy, but as a body you seem to have done nothing to move the agenda forward and achieve the objective.
Sefydlwyd y Fenter Iaith gyntaf yng Nghwm Gwendraeth yn 1991, ac yn y blynyddoedd ers hynny mae cymunedau ar draws Cymru wedi gweithredu i ffurfio Mentrau eu hunain.
The first Menter Iaith was established in the Gwendraeth Valley in 1991, and in the years since then, communities across Wales have operated to form their own Mentrau.
Mae wedi bod yn fodel llwyddiannus dros y blynyddoedd ac yn cael ei gydnabod fel ffordd effeithiol o ddatblygu cymunedol sydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn lleol.
It has been a successful model over the years and is recognized as an effective way of community development that is making a difference locally.
Mae'n slogan sydd wedi ei fyffro gan y brecsidiers er mwyn ein hargyhoeddi bod hi'n bosib osgoi effaith negyddol ar farchnata o adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (UE).
It's a slogan coined by the brazidiers to convince us that leaving the European Union (EU) can have a negative impact on marketing.
Yn ôl y brecsidiers yr UE oedd yn ein hatal o wneud fargen da ar farchnata gan fod rhai o'r gwledydd yn yr Undeb yn edrych ar ôl eu budd eu hunain ac yn sefyll yn erbyn unrhyw fargen ar farchnata bydd o fantais i Brydain.
According to the EU brazidiers that prevented us from making a good deal on marketing as some of the countries in the Union look after their own interests and stand against any deal on marketing that will benefit Britain.
Pan benderfynodd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd i gefnogiGweriniaeth Iwerddon I wrthod unrhyw ddel oedd yn rhoi unrhyw isadeiledd ar y ffin rhwng y weriniaeth a Gogledd Iwerddon, roedd waeth I Brydain rhoi'r ffidil yn y to am gael cytundeb masnachu rhydd rhwng y Deyrnas a'r Undeb.
When the European Union decided to support the Republic of Ireland to reject any deal that put any infrastructure on the border between the republic and Northern Ireland, Britain was worse off giving up a free trade agreement between the UK and the Union .
Er nad yw'r llywodraeth yn San Steffan wedi derbyn y ffaith eto ond mae bron yn anochel bydd yn rhaid i'r wlad aros i mewn yn yr Undeb Tollau (UT) ac yn y Farchnad Sengl (FS).
Although the government in Westminster has not yet accepted the fact but it is almost inevitable that the country will have to stay in the Customs Union (UT) and the Single Market (FS).
Unwaith mae gwleidyddion wedi cytuno i fynd gyda 'ewyllys y werin', maen nhw yn ffeindio hi'n anodd mynd yn ôl at y 52% a dweud bod eich credau chwi yn rhithdyb.
Once politicians have agreed to go with 'the will of the people', they find it difficult to go back to the 52% and say your beliefs are delusion.
Mae glaw trwm a gwyntoedd cryfion wedi effeithio ar drefniadau teithio wrth i'r Swyddfa Dywydd gyhoeddi dau rybudd ar gyfer rhannau o Gymru ddydd Sadwrn.
Heavy rain and strong winds have affected travel arrangements as the Met Office issued two warnings for parts of Wales on Saturday.
Mae yna rybudd melyn am law trwm mewn 17 sir yng Nghymru ond mae disgwyl i ran helaeth o'r gogledd osgoi'r tywydd gwaethaf wrth i'r glaw barhau rhwng 06:00 a 23:59.
There is a yellow warning for heavy rainfall in 17 Welsh counties but much of north Wales is expected to avoid the worst of the weather as rain continues between 06:00 and 23:59.
Rhybuddir y gallai'r gwynt achosi niwed i goed ac eiddo a thonnau uchel mewn mannau arfordirol, ynghyd â thrafferthion ar y ffyrdd a'r posibilrwydd o orfod canslo gwasanaethau trên a fferi.
Be warned that wind could cause damage to trees and property and high waves in coastal areas, along with road troubles and the possibility of canceling train and ferry services.
Aeth swydd Athro yn Adran y Gymraeg heb ei llenwi ers 2008, a bu ofnau bod hynny wedi niweidio gallu'r adran i ddenu myfyrwyr.
The position of Professor in the Department of Welsh went unfilled since 2008, and fears that this had harmed the department's ability to attract students.
Bydd tair o ferched o Batagonia yn dod i Gymru dros yr haf er mwyn astudio'r Gymraeg, diolch i ysgoloriaethau gwerth £2000 yr un gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol.
Three women from Patagonia will be coming to Wales this summer to study Welsh, thanks to scholarships worth £ 2000 each from the National Center for Learning Welsh.
'Rydyn ni'n llongyfarch y tair ar eu llwyddiant, ac yn edrych ymlaen at eu croesawu yma i Gymru dros yr haf,' meddai Efa Gruffudd Jones, Prif Weithredwr y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol.
'We congratulate the three on their success, and look forward to welcoming them here to Wales over the summer,' said Efa Gruffudd Jones, Chief Executive of the National Center for Learning Welsh.
Rydyn ni'n ymfalchïo yn y berthynas unigryw sydd rhwng Cymru a'r Wladfa, ac yn falch iawn o fedru cynnig cymorth i sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn parhau yn rhan o fywyd cymunedau yn y Wladfa.
We are proud of the unique relationship between Wales and the Welsh Settlement, and are proud to be able to offer assistance to ensure that the Welsh language continues to be part of the life of communities in the Settlement.
Yn gyffredinol, maent yn penderfynu peidio â rhoi datganiad i blant ar sail costau, ac mae'n gwbl annerbyniol gorfodi rhieni i fynd at dribiwnlys dim ond i sicrhau bod y trefniadau cludiant yn cael eu cynnwys mewn datganiad.
Generally, they decide not to give children a statement on the basis of costs, and it is totally unacceptable to force parents to go to a tribunal only to ensure that the transport arrangements are included in a statement.
Dyna pam y gwnaethom yn glir yn y cyhoeddiad nad peidio â bwrw ymlaen â'r ffordd liniaru yn unig yr oeddem, ond ein bod am fwrw ymlaen â mesurau lliniaru o amgylch yr M4, yn enwedig yr ardal o amgylch Casnewydd.
That is why we made it clear in the announcement that we were not only going forward with the relief road, but that we wanted to take forward mitigation measures around the M4, particularly the area around Newport.
Derbyniaf ei bod yn rhaid peidio â chael dim mwy o oedi diangen cyn symud ymlaen, ond cofiaf hefyd rai o weithredoedd eich Llywodraeth chi, pan welsom gwtogi gwasanaethau flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn.
I accept that there must be no more unnecessary delays in moving forward, but I also remember some of your Government 's actions, when we saw year - on - year reductions in services.
Mae gan bŵer gwynt ran i'w chwarae, ac mae prosiectau gwynt ar raddfa fechan sy'n cael eu codi gyda chefnogaeth cymunedau lleol i'w hannog yn frwd, ond rhaid peidio â rhoi ein hwyau i gyd mewn un fasged.
Wind power has a part to play, and small-scale wind projects being built with the support of local communities are to be actively encouraged, but all our eggs must not be put in one basket.
Nid wyf yn dweud bod pob cynllun sydd â rhyw gymaint o dai ynddo'n cael ei eithrio, ond rhaid peidio â chynnwys tai'n brif elfen mewn ceisiadau am gyllid cydgyfeirio.
I am not saying that all schemes that have some housing in it are excluded, but housing must not be included as a major element in applications for convergence funding.
Ers dechrau'r swydd, mae'r cyfle i amlygu arwyddocâd addysg Gymraeg mewn sawl gosodiad amrywiol wedi bod yn brofiad hynod werthfawr.
Since taking up the post, the opportunity to highlight the significance of Welsh-medium education in many different settings has been an invaluable experience.
Efallai ei bod hi'n rhan o'r broses o aeddfedu, neu o bosib ei fod yn ganlyniad o'r ymosodiadau parhaus mae'r iaith yn ei dioddef yn y cyfryngau torfol, ond mae fy ngwladgarwch a chydnabyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd y Gymraeg wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol ers dechrau fy nghyfnod yn astudio yn y brifysgol.
It may be part of the process of maturation, or it may be the result of the ongoing attacks that the language suffers in the mass media, but my patriotism and recognition of the importance of the Welsh language has increased really since the beginning of my time studying at university.
Am ryw naw o'r gloch cyhoeddwyd y dedfrydau i'r Catalaniaid sydd wedi bod yn y ddalfa ers dwy flynedd am fod yn rhan o'r mudiad dros annibyniaeth Catalonia ar Sbaen (er gwaetha'r rhesymau 'swyddogol', mae'r Catalaniaid yn gwybod taw yn y bôn hyn oedd eu bai).
At about nine o'clock the sentences were issued to the Catalans who have been in custody for two years for being part of the movement for Catalonia's independence from Spain (despite the 'official' reasons, the Catalans knew that this was basically their fault).
O flaen y panel o farnwyr bu deuddeg o wleidyddion Catalonia a phenaethiaid cymdeithasau gwerin gwlad (hynny yw, nad ydynt yn rhan o'r byd gwleidyddol).
In front of the panel of judges were twelve Catalonian politicians and heads of non-political (ie non-political) societies.
Daw'r dedfrydau llym ar ôl achos fu'n llawn camweddau o du'r barnwyr, yr oll â chysylltiadau â thair plaid gwleidyddol goruchafiaethol Sbaenaidd (y Blaid Sosialaidd, Plaid y Bobl, a'r blaid Ffasgaidd Vox), ar gyhuddiadau na fyddai'n dal dŵr mewn llys barn gwerth yr enw.
The harsh sentences come after a case full of wrongdoing by the judges, all with links to three Spanish supernatural political parties (the Socialist Party, the People's Party, and the Vox Fascist party), on charges that it would not waterproof in a court of law worth the name.
Un o gamweithrediau'r Goruchel Lys fu rhoi gwahardd ar siarad Catalaneg, a rhybuddwyd y rhai fu'n sefyll eu prawf bod rhaid, yn ôl cyfraith Sbaen, siarad iaith swyddogol Sbaen.
One of the wrongs of the Supreme Court has been to ban Catalan speaking, and test takers were warned that Spanish law must speak the official Spanish language.
Ar y llaw arall bu pob cyfleuster i dystion o Slofenia, Awstria a'r Unol Daleithiau siarad yn eu hieithoedd hwythau â chyfieithiad olynol.
On the other hand there have been every facility for witnesses from Slovenia, Austria and the United States to speak in their own languages with a consecutive translation.
Cafodd naw ohynynt eu dedfrydu am, yn bennaf oll, sedisiwn, sef anogaeth i wrthryfela yn erbyn llywodraeth y wladwriaeth, ac hefyd am gamwario arian y wladwriaeth.
Nine of them were sentenced for, above all, sedition, an encouragement to rebel against the state government, and also for misappropriating state funds.
Does yna ddim ymwybyddiaeth eang o hynny yn y DU, ac mae agweddau'r gwledydd oedd yn rhan o'r Ymerodraeth Brydeinig yn dra gwahanol i'r profiad o fod yn rhan o ymerodraeth nag ydi agwedd Prydeinwyr.
There is no widespread awareness of this in the UK, and the attitudes of the countries that were part of the British Empire are very different to the experience of being part of an empire than that of the British.
Er enghraifft dyna i ni Gavin Williamson, pan oedd yn Weinidog Amddiffyn yn egluro wrthym syniad mor dda fyddai anfon llongau rhyfel i For De China yn dilyn Brexit.
For example, that's Gavin Williamson, when he was Defense Minister explaining to us the idea of sending warships to the South China Sea after Brexit.
Mae llywodraeth Williamson yn dweud ein bod yn gadael yr UE i bwrpas gallu dod i gytundebau masnach efo gwledydd mewn rhannau o'r Byd megis y gwledydd ym Mor De China ar yr un llaw, tra bod Williamson eisiau eu bygwth ar y llaw arall.
The Williamson government says we are leaving the EU for the purpose of being able to reach trade agreements with countries in parts of the World such as the countries in the South China Sea on the one hand, while Williamson wants to threaten them on the other.
Mae'r dyddiau pan roedd Prydain yn ddigon pwerus i anfon llongau rhyfel i fomio Ting-ha er mwyn gorfodi'r Tseiniaid i dderbyn opiwm o India wedi mynd, a 'dydyn nhw ddim yn debygol o ddychwelyd.
The days when Britain was powerful enough to send warships to bomb Ting-ha to force the Chinese to take opium from India are gone, and they are unlikely to return.
dyna i chi'r gost i'r gwasanaeth iechyd o ddelio ag anafiadau a darparu triniaeth; y gost i'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol neu'r adran tai - a gwelsoch fel yr oedd y tŷ yn y fideo wedi ei ddifrodi'n llwyr - a dyna'r gost o ailgartrefu teuluoedd, a'u cynnal ar ôl y difrod hwnnw.
that is the cost to the health service of dealing with injuries and providing treatment; the cost to social services or the housing department - which you saw as the house in the video was completely damaged - and that is the cost of rehousing families, and maintaining them after that damage.