Sedangkan jika dibandingkan dengan semester I 2006, pertumbuhan tiga sektor tersebut adalah pengangkutan - komunikasi tumbuh 11,9 persen, listrik - gas - air bersih 10,5 persen dan sektor perdagangan - hotel restoran 8,3 persen.
Meanwhile, when compared to the first semester of 2006, the growth of the three sectors was transportation - communication grew 11.9 percent, electricity - gas - clean water 10.5 percent and trade sector - hotel restaurant 8.3 percent.
Selama di Jakarta, PM Abe bersama Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhyono akan menandatangani kerja sama ekonomi dalam format Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
While in Jakarta, PM Abe and President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono will sign economic cooperation in the format of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Meski pada kuartal II/2007 ini turun 26 persen dibandingkan kuartal I 2007, namun neraca modal finansial tetap surplus sebesar 1,7 miliar dolar AS.
Although in the second quarter of 2007 it fell 26 percent compared to the first quarter of 2007, the financial capital account still had a surplus of 1.7 billion US dollars.
Dalam pertemuan itu, Dubes melihat banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh ICMI London dalam mengisi peluang yang ada dalam upaya membantu pengusaha Indonesia yang akan mengembangkan sayapnya di Inggris.
During the meeting, the Ambassador saw many things that ICMI London could do to fill the opportunities that existed in an effort to help Indonesian entrepreneurs who would like to expand their wings in the UK.
'Di November tahun lalu, inflasi' cooling down 'cuma 0,34 persen, tapi kita kan tidak bisa memotret yang lalu dan yakin sekali akan terjadi seperti itu,' kata Kepala BPS, Rusman Heriawan.
'In November last year, inflation of 'cooling down' was only 0.34 percent, but we can't take pictures of the past and we are sure that something like this will happen,' said Head of BPS, Rusman Heriawan.
Kisah hantu Nick itu awalnya ditulis sebagai bagian dari buku Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia tetapi kemudian kedua halaman itu dibuang sehingga tidak termasuk dalam buku yang diterbitkan.
Nick's ghost story was originally written as part of the Harry Potter books and the Chamber of Secrets but later both pages were discarded so they were not included in the published book.
Dana pinjaman yang diperoleh dari Bank Mandiri, menurut Agus Wartowardoyo untuk keempat pabrik baru hanya mencapai 70 persen kebutuhan dana yang diperlukan, sedangkan 30 persen lagi berasal dari internal PKG.
According to Agus Wartowardoyo, the loan funds obtained from Bank Mandiri for the four new factories only reached 70 percent of the required funds, while the remaining 30 percent came from PKG internally.
Pemerintah merencanakan peningkatan penerimaan perpajakan dalam RAPBN 2008 mencapai Rp583,7 triliun, naik sebesar Rp93,8 triliun, atau 19,1 persen dibanding sasaran penerimaan perpajakan pada RAPBN-P 2007 sebesar Rp489,9 triliun.
The government plans to increase tax revenues in the 2008 RAPBN to reach Rp. 583.7 trillion, an increase of Rp. 93.8 trillion, or 19.1 percent compared to the target of tax revenues in the 2007 RAPBN-P of Rp. 489.9 trillion.
'Jasa manajemen ini untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan kebun sawit dan pabrik GIN untuk menghasilkan minimal sebanyak 23.100 ton minyak sawit mentah CPO,' katanya.
'This management service is to increase the productivity of oil palm plantations and GIN mills to produce a minimum of 23,100 tons of CPO crude palm oil,' he said.
'Secara' overall 'saya belum lihat, tapi nampaknya masih surplus dalam dua bulan ini,' kata Menkeu di Istana Negara, Selasa.
'Overall, I haven't seen it, but it seems that there is still a surplus in the last two months,' said the Minister of Finance at the State Palace, Tuesday.
Kebutuhan pendanaan bruto Indonesia termasuk utang jangka pendek diperkirakan akan turun ke sekitar 66 persen dari cadangan resmi, selaras dengan median 'BB'.
Indonesia's gross funding requirements including short-term debt are expected to fall to around 66 percent of official reserves, in line with the 'BB' median.
Saham PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk (PGAS) langsung melejit naik setelah suspensi penghentian sementara dicabut Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ).
The shares of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk (PGAS) immediately skyrocketed after the suspension of the temporary suspension was lifted by the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX).
Ia mengatakan, peluang rupiah untuk naik lagi masih bisa, namun kenaikan itu diharapkan tidak terlalu cepat, karena bisa menekan rupiah kembali melemah dalam waktu yang cepat pula.
He said the opportunity for the rupiah to rise again is still possible, but the increase is not expected to be too fast, because it can suppress the rupiah to weaken again in a short time as well.
Pada pukul 09.00, dolar dikutip pada 119,52-57 yen dibandingkan dengan Rabu pukul 17.00 yang dikutip pada 119,58-68 yen di New York dan 119,26-29 yen di Tokyo.
At 9 am, the dollar was quoted at 119.52-57 yen compared with 5 pm Wednesday which was quoted at 119.58-68 yen in New York and 119.26-29 yen in Tokyo.
Dengan demikian, pada akhir tahun cadangan devisa diperkirakan akan mencapai 56,2 miliar dolar AS atau setara dengan 5,6 bulan impor dan pembayaran utang luar negeri Pemerintah.
Thus, by the end of the year, foreign exchange reserves are estimated to reach 56.2 billion US dollars, equivalent to 5.6 months of imports and servicing of the Government's external debt.
Sedangkan untuk obligasi negara dalam mata uang rupiah, Pemerintah telah menerbitkan obligasi negara berbunga tetap hingga Rp263,38 triliun, yang terdiri atas Rp253,863 triliun berupa Surat Utang Negara atau SUN dan Rp9,516 triliun berupa Obligasi Negara Ritel atau ORI.
As for government bonds denominated in rupiah, the Government has issued fixed-interest government bonds of up to Rp.263.38 trillion, consisting of Rp.253.863 trillion in the form of Government Securities or SUN and Rp.9.516 trillion in the form of Retail Government Bonds or ORI.
Menurut dia, dalam rangka meningkatkan penerapan good governance, saat ini pemerintah juga tengah melaksanakan Program Reformasi Birokrasi yang bertujuan untuk mendorong kapasitas atau kemampuan pemerintah dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional serta meningkatkan pelayanan masyarakat secara lebih maksimal.
According to him, in order to improve the implementation of good governance, the government is currently implementing a Bureaucratic Reform Program which aims to boost the government's capacity or ability to encourage national economic growth and improve public services more optimally.
Tercatat nama-nama perusahaan Toyota Motor Corp, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Mizuho Bank, JBIC, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, JETRO, Daiwa Securitas, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Canon Inc. dan Marubeni Corp, dan Sumitomo Life Insurance Co.
The company names are Toyota Motor Corp., Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Mizuho Bank, JBIC, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, JETRO, Daiwa Securitas, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Canon Inc. and Marubeni Corp., and Sumitomo Life Insurance Co.
Sedangkan konsumsi pemerintah tumbuh 8,9 persen yang terdiri atas, pertumbuhan belanja pegawai 55,8 persen, belanja barang 10,1 persen, belanja lainnya 47,2 persen, dan belanja daerah -4,9 persen.
Meanwhile, government consumption grew by 8.9 percent, consisting of 55.8 percent growth in personnel spending, 10.1 percent in goods spending, 47.2 percent in other spending, and -4.9 percent in regional spending.
Mengenai adanya kekhawatiran tentang besarnya utang perseroan, Kevin mengatakan, hal itu tidak perlu dirisaukan, karena perseroan tidak hanya mengutang saja, melainkan juga berbuat sesuatu untuk mengembalikan rasio-rasio utangnya sehingga kembali menjadi perusahaan yang sehat.
Regarding concerns about the amount of the company's debt, Kevin said that there is no need to worry, because the company is not only taking debt, but also doing something to restore its debt ratios so that it returns to being a healthy company.
Iklan yang muncul di koran terbitan Wellington, Selandia Baru menyebutkan Wingnut Films mencari pria dengan tinggi badan antara 123 cm dan maksimum 158 cm.
An ad that appeared in a newspaper published in Wellington, New Zealand said Wingnut Films was looking for a man with a height between 123 cm and a maximum of 158 cm.
Sebelumnya, berdasarkan data Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) pemegang saham lima persen atau lebih PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk per 31 Agustus 2007 terdiri dari PT Global Mediacom Tbk 38,52 persen, PT Global Mediacom Tbk 18,18 persen dan Qualcomm Incorporated 5,01 persen.
Previously, based on data from the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) five percent or more shareholders of PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk as of August 31, 2007 consisted of PT Global Mediacom Tbk 38.52 percent, PT Global Mediacom Tbk 18.18 percent and Qualcomm Incorporated 5. 01 percent.
'Kita juga tahu bahwa sponsor pabrik rokok kepada olahraga ikut mempengaruhi anak-anak untuk merokok. Jadi panutan yang negatif, termasuk olahragawan, memiliki efek yang kurang baik.'
'We also know that cigarette manufacturers' sponsorship of sport also influences children to smoke. So negative role models, including sportspeople, have a negative effect.'
Dia antara lain menggunakan slogan 'Tidak bisa lebih buruk lagi' dan 'Apa yang dilakukan wakil anda? Sungguh saya tidak tahu. Tapi pilihlah saya dan saya akan mencari tahu untuk anda.'
Among other things, he used the slogans 'It couldn't get any worse' and 'What did your deputy do? Really I don't know. But vote for me and I'll find out for you.'
Namun peringkat tersebut diperlemah oleh agresifnya ekspansi perusahaan yang akan mengarah pada tingginya leverage keuangan dan potensi tingginya risiko perusahaan terhadap fluktuasi mata uang asing maupun persaingan di industri yang makin ketat.
However, the rating is weakened by the company's aggressive expansion which will lead to high financial leverage and the potential high risk of the company to foreign currency fluctuations as well as increasingly tight competition in the industry.
'Dengan demikian, belanja pemerintah secara keseluruhan tumbuh 24,18 persen dibanding periode sebelumnya, atau 3,83 persen dibanding triwulan II 2006,' katanya.
'Thus, overall government spending grew 24.18 percent over the previous period, or 3.83 percent compared to the second quarter of 2006,' he said.
Direktur Utama PT Bursa Efek Surabaya BES Bastian Purnama di Jakarta, Jumat, mengatakan pihaknya kembali akan melakukan pelelangan atas 23 saham BES kategori A treasury stock pada 4 Juni 2007 di Jakarta.
President Director of the Surabaya Stock Exchange BES Bastian Purnama said in Jakarta, Friday, that his party would again conduct an auction of 23 BES shares of category A treasury stock on June 4, 2007 in Jakarta.
Menurut data BKF, konsumsi masyarakat pada kuartal II/2007 tumbuh 4,9 persen, yang terdiri atas pertumbuhan penjualan mobil 7,46 persen, penjualan motor 61,9 persen, konsumsi listrik 8,2 persen, kredit konsumsi 18 persen, PPN dalam negeri 20 persen, dan PPN Impor 28 persen.
According to BKF data, public consumption in the second quarter of 2007 grew 4.9 percent, consisting of 7.46 percent growth in car sales, 61.9 percent in motorcycle sales, 8.2 percent in electricity consumption, 18 percent in consumer credit, and domestic VAT. 20 percent, and import VAT 28 percent.
Kita melihat dari laporan perkembangan terakhir, situasi semakin kondusif dan 'manageable' (dapat dikendalikan) serta perekonomian dan nilai tukar sudah kembali ke level yang cukup baik.
We see from the latest development reports, the situation is getting more conducive and 'manageable' and the economy and exchange rate have returned to a fairly good level.
'Produksi awal diharapkan berlangsung dalam 90 hingga 120 hari. Medco Energi US memiliki 60 persen working interest dan merupakan operator dalam proyek ini,' jelasnya.
'Initial production is expected to take place in 90 to 120 days. Medco Energi US has a 60 percent working interest and is the operator in this project,' he explained.
Sementara ekspor mengalami pertumbuhan 9,4 persen non-migas 22 persen, migas 7 persen, dan sisi impor yang tumbuh 11,99 persen barang modal 40 persen, barang konsumsi 2 persen.
Meanwhile, exports grew 9.4 percent, non-oil and gas 22 percent, oil and gas 7 percent, and imports grew 11.99 percent, capital goods 40 percent, consumption goods 2 percent.
Namun menurut dia, tingkat suku bunga dapat ditekan bila persaingan bisnis perbankan makin kompetitif sehingga intermediasi perbankan pun semakin membaik.
However, according to him, interest rates can be reduced if the banking business competition becomes more competitive so that banking intermediation will improve.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia saat ini masih didorong oleh sektor konsumsi, sementara dari sisi investasi masih rendah, walaupun ada prospek positif.
Currently, Indonesia's economic growth is still driven by the consumption sector, while in terms of investment it is still low, although there are positive prospects.
Rasio kredit bermasalah Panin meningkat ke 9,3 persen di akhir 2005 yang sebagian disebabkan oleh implementasi regulasi penggolongan kredit yang lebih ketat dan juga karena kondisi makroekonomi yang kurang menguntungkan termasuk kenaikan harga bahan bakar dan kemudian tingkat suku bunga yang meningkat sejak 2005.
Panin's non-performing loan ratio increased to 9.3 percent at the end of 2005 which was partly due to the implementation of stricter credit classification regulations and also due to unfavorable macroeconomic conditions including rising fuel prices and subsequently rising interest rates since 2005.