Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor yw UMCB ac mae'n gofalu am les myfyrwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith, dysgwyr ac unrhyw un arall sydd â diddordeb yn yr iaith a'r diwylliant Cymraeg a Chymreig yn ystod eu cyfnod yma ym Mangor.
UMCB is Bangor's Cymraeg Students' Union and looks after the welfare of Welsh-speaking students, learners and anyone else who is interested in the Welsh and Welsh language and culture during their time here in Bangor.
Dros y blynyddoedd mae perthynas UMCB gyda'r Undeb a'r Brifysgol wedi datblygu ac erbyn heddiw mae gan UMCB berthynas cadarn efo Undeb Bangor a'r Brifysgol sy'n sicrhau bod cynrychioli myfyrwyr Cymraeg yn fwy effeithiol.
Over the years UMCB's relationship with the Union and the University has developed and today UMCB has a solid relationship with Bangor Union and the University which ensures that representing Welsh students is more effective.
Ers sefydlu'r Brifysgol, roedd cymdeithas y 'Cymric' yn weithredol fel cymdeithas Gymraeg y Brifysgol gan gynnal digwyddiadau llenyddol, dadlau a chymdeithasol.
Since the establishment of the University, the 'Cymric' society was active as the University's Welsh language society, holding literary, debating and social events.
Mewn hinsawdd gyfnewidiol gydag aflonyddwch cynyddol y Cymry yn y 70au, sylweddolodd aelodau o'r gymdeithas nad oedd 'Y Cymric' yn ddigon cryf i gynrychioli'r myfyrwyr Cymraeg, fel oedd y sefydliad ar y pryd.
In a changing climate with the growing unrest of the Welsh in the 70s, members of the society realized that 'Y Cymric' was not strong enough to represent the Welsh students, as the organization was at the time.
Yn sgil hynny, sefydlwyd Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor (UMCB) fel undeb newydd ac annibynnol yn 1976 ond llwyddwyd cyn hynny i sicrhau Neuadd Gymraeg I breswylwyr y brifysgol, sef Neuadd John Morris-Jones.
As a result, the Bangor Cymraeg Students' Union (UMCB) was established as a new and independent union in 1976, but before that we managed to secure a Welsh Language Hall for the university's residents, the John Morris-Jones Hall.
Mae gwaddol y Neuadd a'r Cymric yn bodoli hyd heddiw gyda Neuadd John Morris-Jones yn parhau i fod yn breswylfan i fyfyrwyr Cymraeg ac yn ganolbwynt i weithgareddau UMCB ac mae'r Cymric wedi parhau fel cymdeithas gymdeithasol, a'r pwyllgor hwnnw sy'n gyfrifol am galendr cymdeithasol ein cymuned.
The legacy of the Hall and the Cymric continues to this day with the John Morris-Jones Hall continuing to be a residence for Welsh students and the center of UMCB activities and the Cymric has continued as a social association, and that committee is responsible for our community's social calendar.
Rydym am sicrhau bod y system addysg yn ei gwneud hi'n bosibl i fwy o ddysgwyr o bob oedran feithrin amrywiaeth eang o sgiliau yn y Gymraeg.
We want to ensure that the education system makes it possible for more learners of all ages to cultivate a wide variety of skills in the Welsh language.
Nod ychwanegol y Strategaeth hon yw sicrhau bod pob dysgwr a myfyriwr mewn lleoliad cyfrwng Saesneg yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd i ddatblygu sgiliau iaith sy'n cyfoethogi eu profiad o fyw mewn gwlad ddwyieithog.
An additional aim of this Strategy is to ensure that all learners and students in an English-medium setting take advantage of opportunities to develop language skills that enrich their experience of living in a bilingual country.
Yr un pryd credai'n bendant nad ymatebai Llywodraeth Prydain i hawl gyfiawn y Cymry i'w rheoli eu hunain heb iddi gael ei gorfodi gan amrywiol amgylchiadau i wneud hynny, yn y pendraw.
At the same time he firmly believed that the British Government would not respond to the just right of the Welsh to rule themselves without being forced by various circumstances to do so, ultimately.
Credem yng Nghymdeithas yr Iaith mai'r deyrnged orau a allem dalu er cof am Saunders Lewis oedd cyhoeddi argraffiad newydd o'i ddarlith Tynged yr Iaith, a ysbrydolodd sefydlu'r Gymdeithas, ac sydd wedi bod yn ysbrydoliaeth i'w haelodau byth er hynny.
We believed in the Association of the Language that the best tribute we could pay in memory of Saunders Lewis was to publish a new edition of his lecture Tynged yr Iaith, which inspired the establishment of the Association, and which has been an inspiration to its members ever since that.
Yn fuan wedyn sefydlwyd Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg a dechreuodd efrydwyr ifainc Cymru frwydro o ddifrif dros einioes y genedl, canys dyna ystyr ymladd i gadw'r iaith.
Shortly afterwards the Cymdeithas yr Iaith Welsh was founded and the young students of Wales began to fight seriously for the life of the nation, for that is what it means to fight to preserve the language.