PML View
TEITOK: s-28
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Vždycky říkají1, že prvořadé je dokončit školu1, ale nedopřejí nám čas ani neumožní vynechat trénink1, abychom se naučili na zkoušky1.
Source | Form | Lemma | Tag |
tagger-a | | vždycky | Db------------- |
tagger-a | | říkat | VB-P---3P-AAI-- |
tagger-a | | , | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | že-1 | J,------------- |
tagger-a | | prvořadý | AANS1----1A---- |
tagger-a | | být | VB-S---3P-AAI-- |
tagger-a | | dokončit | Vf--------A-P-- |
tagger-a | | škola | NNFS4-----A---- |
tagger-a | | , | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | ale | J^------------- |
tagger-a | | dopřát | VB-P---3P-NAP-1 |
tagger-a | | my | PP-P3--1------- |
tagger-a | | čas | NNIS4-----A---- |
tagger-a | | ani-1 | J^------------- |
tagger-a | | umožnit | VB-P---3P-NAP-- |
tagger-a | | vynechat | Vf--------A-P-- |
tagger-a | | trénink | NNIS4-----A---- |
tagger-a | | , | Z:------------- |
tagger-a | | aby | J,-----------m- |
tagger-a | | se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) | P7--4---------- |
tagger-a | | naučit | VpMP----R-AAP-- |
tagger-a | | na-1 | RR--4---------- |
tagger-a | | zkouška | NNFP4-----A---- |
tagger-a | | . | Z:------------- |
| | říkají | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 2 |
| |
| | | nedopřejí | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 11 |
| |
| neumožní | afun | Pred |
is_member | 1 |
ord | 15 |
| |
| |
deepord | 0 |
eng_sentence | They always say to get a degree first, but they don't allow us time or to skip practice to study for a test. |
| ale | nodetype | coap |
t_lemma | ale |
functor | ADVS |
is_dsp_root | 1 |
deepord | 11 |
| nodetype | complex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ACT |
gram | |
deepord | 2 |
coref_text | |
| říkají | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | říkat |
functor | PRED |
is_member | 1 |
gram | |
deepord | 4 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w5882f1 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Gen |
functor | ADDR |
deepord | 1 |
| Vždycky | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | kdy |
functor | THO |
gram | |
deepord | 3 |
| je | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | být |
functor | EFF |
gram | |
deepord | 7 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w243f1 |
| prvořadé | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | prvořadý |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 5 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Benef |
functor | BEN |
deepord | 6 |
| dokončit | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | dokončit |
functor | ACT |
gram | |
deepord | 9 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w598f2 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Cor |
functor | ACT |
deepord | 8 |
coref_gram.rf | |
| školu | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | škola |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 10 |
| nedopřejí | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | dopřát |
functor | PRED |
is_member | 1 |
gram | |
deepord | 12 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w690f1 |
| nodetype | atom |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Neg |
functor | RHEM |
deepord | 13 |
| nám | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ADDR |
gram | |
deepord | 14 |
coref_text | |
| čas | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | čas |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 15 |
| ani | nodetype | atom |
t_lemma | ani |
functor | CM |
deepord | 16 |
| neumožní | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | umožnit |
functor | PRED |
is_member | 1 |
gram | |
deepord | 18 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w7167f1 |
| nodetype | complex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ADDR |
gram | |
deepord | 17 |
coref_text | |
| nodetype | atom |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Neg |
functor | RHEM |
deepord | 19 |
| vynechat | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | vynechat |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 21 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w8150f1 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Cor |
functor | ACT |
deepord | 20 |
coref_gram.rf | |
| trénink | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | trénink |
functor | PAT |
gram | |
deepord | 22 |
| naučili | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | naučit_se |
functor | AIM |
gram | |
deepord | 25 |
val_frame.rf | v#v-w2284f1 |
| nodetype | qcomplex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #Gen |
functor | PAT |
deepord | 23 |
| nodetype | complex |
is_generated | 1 |
t_lemma | #PersPron |
functor | ACT |
gram | |
deepord | 24 |
coref_text | |
| zkoušky | nodetype | complex |
t_lemma | zkouška |
functor | AIM |
gram | |
deepord | 26 |
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