Corpus Search (PML-TQ)


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Here you can type in a query in the PML-TQ query language. In this interface, you see the TEITOK context of each sentence, and you can directly see the original information in the PML files, see the tree drawn by PML-TQ for the result, or see the TEITOK context. For the dedicated web interface with more information about the search language, as well as graphical colouring and help with the creation of the query, please see the PML-TQ Web Interface.

To get a very brief idea about the language - you search for nodes (such as token nodes) using angular brackets, much like in for instance CQL. Since PML is multi-layered format, you always have to indicate the type of node you want to search for. So we can look for a node in the analytical layer, that has the afun (analytical function) ExD (Externally-Dependent) as follows:

a-node [ afun = 'ExD' ]

Since PML is a tree format, you can look not just for nodes, but for syntactic relations. For instance, to find two or more EdX nodes under the same parent, we can use:

a-node $a := [
sibling a-node [
depth-first-follows $a,
afun = $a.afun
] and afun = "ExD"

You can also count, group, and sort results. To get a list of all the analytical functions with their frequency:

a-node $a := [ ]
>> for $a.afun give $1, count()