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Ukázala Lucince , jak se točí pohádky a jak to tam chodí , kde se točí zpravodajství .


ps_003.06.a.gz (6/50) Ukázala Lucince , jak se točí pohádky a jak to tam chodí , kde se točí zpravodajství . m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: ukázat m/tag: VpQW----R-AAP-- m/lemma: Lucinka_;Y m/tag: NNFS3-----A---- m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: jak-2 m/tag: J,------------- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--4---------- m/lemma: točit m/tag: VB-P---3P-AAI-- m/lemma: pohádka m/tag: NNFP1-----A---- m/lemma: a-1 m/tag: J^------------- m/lemma: jak-2 m/tag: J,------------- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDNS1---------- m/lemma: tam m/tag: Db------------- m/lemma: chodit m/tag: VB-S---3P-AAI-- m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: kde m/tag: Db------------- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--4---------- m/lemma: točit m/tag: VB-S---3P-AAI-- m/lemma: zpravodajství m/tag: NNNS1-----A---- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- ps_003.06-SCzechA-ps_003-9189-root Ukázala Co Lucince , jak se točí Co pohádky a jak to tam chodí Co , kde se točí zpravodajství . Pred_ Obj AuxX Adv AuxT Pred_ Sb Coord Adv Sb Adv Pred_ AuxX Adv AuxT Adv Sb AuxK


ps_003.06.t.gz (6/50) Ukázala Lucince , jak se točí pohádky a jak to tam chodí , kde se točí zpravodajství . type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC genre: gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: fem gram/negation: neg0 gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/indeftype: inter gram/sempos: adv.pron.indef gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: decl gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: sim gram/gender: fem gram/negation: neg0 gram/number: pl gram/sempos: n.denot gram/indeftype: inter gram/sempos: adv.pron.indef gram/gender: neut gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.pron.def.demon gram/sempos: adv.pron.def gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: decl gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: sim gram/indeftype: inter gram/sempos: adv.pron.indef gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: decl gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: sim gram/gender: neut gram/negation: neg0 gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot root #PersPron ACT n.pron.def.pers ukázat enunc PRED v Lucinka ADDR n.denot jak MANN adv.pron.indef točit PAT v #Gen ACT qcomplex pohádka PAT n.denot a CONJ coap jak MANN adv.pron.indef ten ACT n.pron.def.demon tam LOC adv.pron.def chodit PAT v #Comma CONJ coap kde LOC adv.pron.indef točit PAT v #Gen ACT qcomplex zpravodajství PAT n.denot #PersPron SPEC . Lucinka SPEC tam SPEC SPEC
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