PML View


PML-TQ Tree View

To musíte být pyšná .


hs_050.08.a.gz (33/50) To musíte být pyšná . m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: to-9_^(být_s_to) m/tag: TT------------- m/lemma: muset m/tag: VB-P---2P-AAI-- m/lemma: být m/tag: Vf--------A-I-- m/lemma: pyšný m/tag: AAFS1----1A---- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- hs_050.08-SCzechA-hs_050-d1e2462-x3-root To musíte být pyšná . Obj Pred Obj Pnom AuxK


hs_050.08.t.gz (33/50) To musíte být pyšná . type: SPEC type: SPEC genre: gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: deb gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: sim gram/degcmp: pos gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: adj.denot root ten INTF atom #PersPron ACT n.pron.def.pers být enunc PRED v pyšný PAT adj.denot #Cor SPEC .
PML viewdependency tree