PML View


PML-TQ Tree View

Jindy zase, že se zpozdila při cestě do divadla, a tak si to šoustla mezi těmi zahradami a zablátila si střevíčky.


ln95048_057.a.gz (18/24) Jindy zase, že se zpozdila při cestě do divadla, a tak si to šoustla mezi těmi zahradami a zablátila si střevíčky. m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: jindy m/tag: Db------------- m/lemma: zase-1 m/tag: Db------------- m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: že-1 m/tag: J,------------- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--4---------- m/lemma: zpozdit m/tag: VpQW----R-AAP-- m/lemma: při-1 m/tag: RR--6---------- m/lemma: cesta m/tag: NNFS6-----A---- m/lemma: do-1 m/tag: RR--2---------- m/lemma: divadlo m/tag: NNNS2-----A---- m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: a-1 m/tag: J^------------- m/lemma: tak-2 m/tag: J^------------- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--3---------- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDNS4---------- m/lemma: šoustnout_,h m/tag: VpQW----R-AAP-1 m/lemma: mezi-1 m/tag: RR--7---------- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDXP7---------- m/lemma: zahrada m/tag: NNFP7-----A---- m/lemma: a-1 m/tag: J^------------- m/lemma: zablátit m/tag: VpQW----R-AAP-- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--3---------- m/lemma: střevíček m/tag: NNIP4-----A---- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- a-ln95048-057-p2s15 Jindy zase , že se zpozdila Co při cestě do divadla , a tak si to šoustla Co mezi těmi zahradami a Co zablátila Co si střevíčky . ExD ExD AuxX AuxC AuxT ExD_ AuxP Adv AuxP Atr AuxX Coord AuxY AuxT AuxO ExD_ AuxP Atr Adv Coord_ ExD_ Adv Obj AuxK


ln95048_057.t.gz (18/24) Jindy zase, že se zpozdila při cestě do divadla, a tak si to šoustla mezi těmi zahradami a zablátila si střevíčky. type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC connective: a tak type: discourse discourse type: reason start range: 0 target range: 0 connective: a tak type: discourse discourse type: reason start range: 0 target range: 0 type: SPEC type: SPEC connective: a type: discourse discourse type: conj start range: 0 target range: 0 connective: a type: discourse discourse type: conj start range: 0 target range: 0 genre: letter gram/gender: fem gram/number: sg gram/person: 3 gram/politeness: basic gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/sempos: adv.denot.ngrad.nneg gram/sempos: adv.denot.ngrad.nneg gram/gender: fem gram/number: sg gram/person: 3 gram/politeness: basic gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: fem gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/gender: neut gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/sempos: adj.pron.def.demon gram/gender: fem gram/number: pl gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: inher gram/number: inher gram/person: inher gram/politeness: inher gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: inan gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: group root #PersPron ACT n.pron.def.pers líčit enunc PRED v jindy TWHEN basic adv.denot.ngrad.nneg zase TWHEN basic adv.denot.ngrad.nneg #PersPron ACT n.pron.def.pers zpozdit_se PAT v cesta TWHEN basic n.denot divadlo DIR3 basic n.denot a CSQ coap tak CM atom to DPHR dphr ten RSTR adj.pron.def.demon zahrada DIR2 betw n.denot šoustnout_si PAT v a CONJ coap #PersPron BEN nr n.pron.def.pers zablátit PAT v střevíček PAT n.denot #PersPron SPEC . . . SPEC reason connective: a tak range: 0->0 . . zahrada . SPEC . conj connective: a range: 0->0
PML viewdependency tree