PML View


PML-TQ Tree View

Ve 29. minutě jim to vyšlo - Pavlík chytře prostrčil míč Purkartovi, který zblízka prostřelil Ondrůška.


ln94202_123.a.gz (78/138) Ve 29. minutě jim to vyšlo - Pavlík chytře prostrčil míč Purkartovi, který zblízka prostřelil Ondrůška. m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: v-1 m/tag: RV--6---------- m/lemma: 29 m/tag: C=------------- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: minuta m/tag: NNFS6-----A---- m/lemma: on-1 m/tag: PEXP3--3------- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDNS1---------- m/lemma: vyjít m/tag: VpNS----R-AAP-- m/lemma: - m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: Pavlík_;Y m/tag: NNMS1-----A---- m/lemma: chytře m/tag: Dg-------1A---- m/lemma: prostrčit m/tag: VpYS----R-AAP-- m/lemma: míč m/tag: NNIS4-----A---- m/lemma: Purkart_;Y m/tag: NNMS3-----A---- m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: který m/tag: P4YS1---------- m/lemma: zblízka m/tag: Db------------- m/lemma: prostřelit m/tag: VpYS----R-AAP-- m/lemma: Ondrůšek_;Y m/tag: NNMS4-----A---- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- a-ln94202-123-p15s6 Ve 29 . minutě jim to vyšlo Ap - Pavlík chytře prostrčil Ap míč Purkartovi , který zblízka prostřelil Ondrůška . AuxP Atr AuxG Adv Adv Sb Pred_ Apos Sb Adv Pred_ Obj Obj AuxX Sb Adv Atr Obj AuxK


ln94202_123.t.gz (78/138) Ve 29. minutě jim to vyšlo - Pavlík chytře prostrčil míč Purkartovi, který zblízka prostřelil Ondrůška. type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SPEC type: SET_SUB type: SET_SUB connective: - type: discourse discourse type: spec start range: 0 target range: 0 connective: - type: discourse discourse type: spec start range: 0 target range: 0 type: SET_SUB type: SET_SUB type: SET_SUB type: SET_SUB genre: sport gram/gender: fem gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/numertype: ord gram/sempos: adj.quant.def gram/gender: neut gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.pron.def.demon gram/gender: anim gram/number: pl gram/person: 3 gram/politeness: basic gram/sempos: n.pron.def.pers gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: anim gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single is_name_of_person: 1 gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/degcmp: pos gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: adj.denot gram/gender: inan gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/gender: anim gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single is_name_of_person: 1 gram/gender: inher gram/indeftype: relat gram/number: inher gram/person: inher gram/sempos: n.pron.indef gram/sempos: adv.denot.ngrad.nneg gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: ant gram/gender: anim gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single is_name_of_person: 1 root minuta TWHEN basic n.denot 29 RSTR adj.quant.def ten PAT n.pron.def.demon #PersPron ACT n.pron.def.pers vyjít enunc PRED v #Dash APPS coap Pavlík ACT n.denot prostrčit enunc PRED v chytrý MANN adj.denot míč PAT n.denot Purkart ADDR n.denot který ACT n.pron.indef zblízka TWHEN basic adv.denot.ngrad.nneg prostřelit RSTR v Ondrůšek PAT n.denot . vyrukovat SPEC plzeňský SPEC . SET_SUB . spec connective: - range: 0->0 SET_SUB . Zlín SET_SUB
PML viewdependency tree