PML View


PML-TQ Tree View

Bez počítačů by to nešlo


cmpr9415_058.a.gz (1/49) Bez počítačů by to nešlo m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: bez-1 m/tag: RR--2---------- m/lemma: počítač m/tag: NNIP2-----A---- m/lemma: být m/tag: Vc----------I-- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDNS1---------- m/lemma: jít m/tag: VpNS----R-NAI-- a-cmpr9415-058-p2s1 Bez počítačů by to nešlo AuxP Adv AuxV Sb Pred


cmpr9415_058.t.gz (1/49) Bez počítačů by to nešlo
genre: description gram/gender: inan gram/number: pl gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single gram/gender: neut gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.pron.def.demon gram/aspect: proc gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: potential gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: nil root počítač ACMP wout n.denot ten ACT n.pron.def.demon #Neg RHEM atom jít enunc PRED v . .

PML viewdependency tree