PML View


PML-TQ Tree View

Kolos se zatřepe, zhroutí a zůstane jen to životaschopné.


mf930713_134.a.gz (26/47) Kolos se zatřepe, zhroutí a zůstane jen to životaschopné. m/lemma: m/tag: m/lemma: kolos-1 m/tag: NNIS1-----A---- m/lemma: se_^(zvr._zájmeno/částice) m/tag: P7--4---------- m/lemma: zatřepat m/tag: VB-S---3P-AAP-1 m/lemma: , m/tag: Z:------------- m/lemma: zhroutit m/tag: VB-S---3P-AAP-- m/lemma: a-1 m/tag: J^------------- m/lemma: zůstat m/tag: VB-S---3P-AAP-- m/lemma: jen-1 m/tag: TT------------- m/lemma: ten m/tag: PDNS1---------- m/lemma: životaschopný m/tag: AANS1----1A---- m/lemma: . m/tag: Z:------------- a-mf930713-134-p5s6 Kolos se zatřepe Co , Co zhroutí Co a zůstane Co jen to životaschopné . Sb AuxT Pred_ Coord_ Pred_ Coord Pred_ Atr Sb Atr AuxK


mf930713_134.t.gz (26/47) Kolos se zatřepe, zhroutí a zůstane jen to životaschopné. type: SPEC type: SPEC connective: a type: discourse discourse type: conj start range: 0 target range: 0 connective: a type: discourse discourse type: conj start range: 0 target range: 0 type: SET_SUB type: SET_SUB genre: essay gram/gender: inan gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.denot gram/typgroup: single quot: dsp gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: post quot: dsp quot: dsp gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: post quot: dsp is_dsp_root: 1 quot: dsp gram/aspect: cpl gram/deontmod: decl gram/diatgram: act gram/factmod: asserted gram/iterativeness: it0 gram/sempos: v gram/tense: post quot: dsp quot: dsp gram/gender: neut gram/number: sg gram/sempos: n.pron.def.demon quot: dsp gram/degcmp: pos gram/negation: neg0 gram/sempos: adj.denot quot: dsp root kolos ACT n.denot zatřepat_se enunc PRED v #Comma CONJ coap zhroutit_se enunc PRED v a CONJ coap zůstat enunc PRED v jen RHEM atom ten ACT n.pron.def.demon životaschopný RSTR adj.denot zemědělství SPEC . . . conj connective: a range: 0->0 SET_SUB
PML viewdependency tree