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Country of OriginBelgium
Destination CountrySwitzerland

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After completing her degree in Belgium, Sarah went to London to start her career. I thought I knew a lot about living in London, I had gone there on holiday, thought it was fantastic and then it turned out I had quite a distorted image. It was very difficult to meet people because of my working conditions. I returned to Brussels a year and a half later on the verge of depression. I went back to Brussels, and through work, I was sent to missions all over the world and I particularly liked South America, where I was finally granted a fixed position in Colombia. I fully realized I was going to a different continent where I didnt know anyone when I was on the plane with my two suitcases. I was leaving behind my family, a well-structured life with a lot of friends, a really nice social network, the coziness of my flat, and my day to day life and habits. When I got there, it felt like a smack in the face. Security wise it was very difficult for a single woman. You are advised to be extremely careful when using taxis, public transport, or walk alone when its dark, but its dark at 6 pm every single night of the year. The air pollution and the constant buzz is exhausting. But then one day, you notice that not everything must be negative. You become fascinated by the warmth of the people, the music, the colour, the exotic food, the art and culture of an amazing country. I realized that whenever you move to a new country, you have to change your mindset. You have to shift it in such a way that youre only looking at the positive things. I feel that every time you move, especially in my field, you will always miss something from before. So you have to constantly look forward and make the most of the new place youre living in. Of all the places Sarah has lived, she calls Brussels and Tenerife in the Canary Islands home. Those are two places where I can land blindfolded; smell the air and say Yes, Im home Home is really what you make of it, the places and the people you surround yourself with, the friends that become your family, the network that you create. At the end of the day, home is what you build around you.

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