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GPD CoO | 481 |
Continent of Origin | A |
GDP DC | 679 |
Destination Continent | A |
Distance | close |
GDP Change | E |
Home Change | im |
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To be a migrant is not synonymous with someone who is waiting for the help of others. It is true, that forced migration, such as ours puts us in a precarious situation and dependent on others. However, for me, to be a migrant means to work to support my needs and contribute in any way I can to the development of the country that has hosted us, which happens to be our own country, Chad. I am a Chadian, returned from Bozoum a city in the Central African Republic (CAR). When I was in CAR, I worked in diamond mining but fled in 2014. After settling in the Kobiteye site in Chad in 2014, I started farming by renting the fields from the host villages because I had no other option and had to adapt to another life. I grow millet and sesame every year and am able to harvest enough. For example, in 2018, I had 36 bags of millet and shared about 7 bags with my brothers and neighbors who were unable to cultivate, and the rest allowed me to take care of my family. I count myself among those who work to feed others because the sale of my cereals at Goré market is another contribution to the economy of the country.
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