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GPD CoO890
Continent of OriginM
GDP DC43 560
Destination ContinentNA
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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When the war broke out in Syria, my family and I crossed the border to go to Turkey. My husband and I were both in Turkey when we decided to get married but most of our friends and family were still in Syria.  So, we crossed back to Syria and had our wedding there. We wanted to be with those we loved the most. After the wedding, though, we came back to Turkey. Back in Syria, my husbands family owned an international business. He used to fly to China and Malaysia for work. But when I met him, he was broke.  His family lost everything because of the war.  They lost their business, and many lost their lives. Moving to Canada is the best opportunity weve had since we left Syria; we can finally stop worrying. I just want to live, work and perfect my English.  My husband wants to get a proper job, then we can finally have a baby.  In Canada, I will have legal status. I will be like a typical Canadian. My husband has a strong business head.  He will study the Canadian market to see where the best opportunity lies for us. He can finally find a decent job where he will be paid for what he is worth without legal status, we were not able to do that these past few years. As for me. I studied English literature in Aleppo, Syria. Id love to go back to school again to get my Phd. In Canada, I will finally not be scared all the time.  I want to feel safe, both physically and financially. I smile all the time now because I am happy. I think we will both be able to pick up our lives again where the war interrupted them.

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