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GPD CoO470
Continent of OriginA
GDP DC24 809
Destination ContinentM
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

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A few years ago, I thought I would be able to make enough money to have a big house in my country, Madagascar. But I fell sick, and was not able to work anymore. I had two young girls who needed to eat so I decided to leave my country and look for work abroad. I came to Kuwait three years ago. I never had a problem with my employer, but there was another maid in the house who I had a lot of issues with. I ran away from my sponsors house because of the other maid, and went to a friends house. But while I was there, I started getting a really bad headache and one whole side of my body went numb. Id had a stroke, and was able to get to the hospital quickly. I stayed there for two months. Now, fortunately, I feel better, but I still have problems walking and using my hand. Im now living in a shelter. One of the women goes with me to my weekly doctors appointment, and I dont have to pay for anything. I wouldnt be able to pay for medical care without their help. I really want to go home. My daughters are both in school now but I only get to see them through my sisters Facebook page. I dont want them to grow up without me being there. And with my health being so bad, theres no time to waste! Angie was able to seek assistance and reside in a shelter run by the Government of Kuwait.

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