

GPD CoO890
Continent of OriginM
GDP DC43 560
Destination ContinentNA
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

We are from the same town in Syria, but we never met before the war. When the fighting started our families moved to the same neighborhood.  We instantly fell in love with each other. That was two years ago. Somehow war brought us together.  We didnt have a party for the wedding.  ISIS ruled our town and it was forbidden to organize any noisy event.  If you did have a gathering, it had to be very quiet and locked in the house. It was dangerous. So we didnt have a party. This was very hard on Haneen.  Even now, every time she sees a wedding on TV or a wedding dress, she gets really upset. We had to leave Syria because there was nothing left where we are from. No home. No work.  No hope. The town is ruled by ISIS.  So we moved to Turkey with our family and they decided to take a boat to Greece, and then went to Germany.  As we didnt have money to pay the smugglers, we stayed in Turkey, but, this was for the best because we are going to Canada.  Im glad we didnt take the boat.  Now, my family in Germany wishes they were moving to Canada with us. One of the priorities I have now? Once we arrive in Canada, I want to have a wedding party for my wife. All I want is to make her happy, and that would really make her happy.

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