

GPD CoO3 368
Continent of OriginA
GDP DC38 959
Destination ContinentE
GDP ChangeH
Home Changeim

I used to come to France on holiday pretty regularly. It made me want to see how medicine was taught elsewhere and to discover a different dynamic in the doctor-patient relationship. I realize now that there is no fundamental difference in the way medicine is practiced in France and in Algeria. The only true difference is the means and the access to healthcare that one benefits from here. There are a lot of misperceptions about Algeria, and people think that it is a closed country. I wish that the image of my country will change: we are free there and we all practice our religion in our own different way. The Algerian and French cultures are very connected; dont forget that we used to watch the same TV shows when we were kids! In order to break the stereotypes anchored in peoples minds, we should invite you to come to our country. Come and see how Algeria really is! I am proud to show my country, there are so many beautiful things to see there!

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